Pимские дорожные карты - Roman road map
See the Tabula Peutingeriana, the only surving copy (made in the Middle Ages) of a late Roman road map showing the roads and distances across the Roman Empire
- Section 1 Spain
- Section 2 Lugdunum
- Section 3 Colonia, Treveri, Argentorate
- Section 4 Mediolanum
- Section 5 Aquilea, Regina, Lauriacum
- Section 6 Roma
- Section 7 Belgrade
- Section 8 Patras
- Section 9 Athens
- Section 10 Constantinopolis
- Section 11 Kajseri, Trabzon
- Section 12 Antiochia
- Section 13 Urfa
- Section 14 further East
Местоположение римских войск
The Location of Roman Legions from Caesar to ca. 300 AD is summarized in a table (pdf format, acrobat reader needed).
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April 30 2008, 06:23:25 UTC 11 years ago