Nick 'Uhtomsky (hvac) wrote,
Nick 'Uhtomsky




Кистень из пампасов - "boleadora" ("las tres Marías" )

Бола, болас (от исп. bola — шар), охотничье метательное оружие, состоящее из ремня или связки ремней, к концам которых привязаны круглые камни, обёрнутые кожей.

Болас применялся главным образом индейцами-патагонцами  и гаучо в пампасах Южной Америки . Сходное оружие употребляли также наши чукчи и коряки Северо-Восточной Сибири (для охоты на птиц).

Болас представлял собой три или четыре небольших (0.15-0.2 кг) камня обшитых кожей и связанных между собой кожаными ремнями примерно метровой длины. Связка могла быть последовательной, и в этом случае общая длина устройства достигала 400 см, либо же ремни всех грузов крепились к одному узлу.

Болас мог быть применён только на открытом пространстве. Дальность броска не превышала 20 метров, так как ремни создавали большое сопротивление. Зато связка камней, имея, в принципе, близкое к кистеню устройство, могла быть использована и в ближнем бою.

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Самый простой boleadora, “avestrucera o nanducera” или “bola loca” (одна верёвка) - два мешочка (прямоугольники примерно 10 × 20 см), заполненые гравием (или зерном, для тренировки “на живца”) и связанные 1,5 метровой веревкой.

Или вот такой, как на картинке ниже:

from the U.S. Army Survival Manual

Подлинные boleadoras  -это три камня, завернутых в кожу, каждый приблизительно 5-7 см в диаметре. Шнур плетёный из 4 полос, длиной до 1 м.

А вola perdida –  как у “ El Zorro” (из аргентинского ТВ –сериала, а не холливудской фильмы с красавицей Катериной Зита-Джоунс) –это уже ударное  оружие (кистень –1 вес).

У болас  "Porteadoras" (Tres Marias), верёвки и вес  всегда разный. Маленький вес называется "Manija".

Самый роскошный boleadoras из слоновой кости.

imageWeight = 274 gm ; Diameter = 57mm  This bola was purchased in Argentina in the 1950s. The balls are very heavy and appear to be made out of Onyx or Granite, or a similar stone material. Two of the balls are larger than a third smaller ball and the cord on the smaller ball is slightly shorter than the cord on the two larger balls. All 3 balls are grooved around the entire circumference, very much like primitive artifact balls that are often found in Uraguay and Argentina. A leather cord is tied tightly around each ball and the cords are made out of a stiff braided leather. This bola is in excellent condition and would made a nice display piece. The style is more like that of a primitive native american design than the bolas used by the South American gauchos. I do not recommend throwing this one. It is very heavy and it will damage anything that it hits. Also, the leather has dried out some over the years and is not as pliable as it was when originally acquired. Cord length = 48 -> 54 cm ; Ball diameters = 5 -> 7 cm ; Weight = 1460 gm

   Not much is known about this bola except that it is of typical size and weight for a bola from Argentina, South America. This bola was sold in an internet auction that identified the balls as having a Tres Marias Decoration. It is not known if the black leather strips that were woven into the pierced leather ball coverings are what differentiates a Tres Marias bola from the other types of bolas. A graphic showing this decorated bola is below. This bola is one of the more attractive bolas that you will find as an ethnographic sale item. The bola balls are made out of a cast hard polymer material that simulates ivory. You will find the same material used to make fake sperm whale teeth. The casting is excellent and there are no apparent seams. The embossed detail on the balls is excellent with scenes showing bola hunting and habitats in South America. Identical bolas that are advertised as being made out of real ivory are frequently sold at prices between $100 and $300. Cord length = 87 -> 90 cm ; Ball diameters = 5 -> 6 cm ; Weight = 564 gm Not much is known about this bola except that it was sold in an internet auction for approximately $200. The bola is of traditional construction and with silver caps and copper tacks. The auction description read: Antique SOUTH AMERICAN BOLAS LASSO Hand Crafted! These 3 Bolas are in good condition, the exterior of the Bolas have some age cracks, the silver tops are very nice with hightly sizzled and decorative caps. The copper tacks are also nice. The braided leather cord is in excellent condition. Not much is known about this bola except that it was sold in an internet auction for approximately $40. The bola is of traditional construction and with silver caps and copper tacks. The auction description read: Rawhide Bolo (lasso) from Argentina used by the Gauchos (Argentine Cowboys). It is in very good condition and was originally purchased in Argentina in 1975.


Carlos Aramburu from Pampa & Patagonia in Argentina sent photos of bolas that are commonly sold in that country. The bola cords have lengths of approximately 84 cm and the bola weighs about 500 gm. The balls are made out of solid sand ( like rock ) and are covered with leather. The lazzos are made out of braided leather.

This bola is a very nice example of a real functional bola with braided leather cords and a leather pouch surrounding a stone or solid sand interior for each of the balls. One of the balls is smaller than the other two balls as expected. The leather is dry and stiff and is fine for display. There are leather softeners that can be used to soften the cords if you plan to throw this bola. The age of this bola is approximately 25 years. It is not an antique, but it is one of the nicest bolas you will find for sale. It is functional, rather than a decorative collectable. Cord length = 66 -> 72 cm ; Ball diameters = 5 -> 7 cm ; Weight = 585 gm This bola is a very nice example of a real functional bola with braided leather cords and a leather pouch surrounding a stone or solid sand interior for each of the balls. One of the balls is smaller than the other two balls as expected. The leather is dry and stiff and is fine for display. There are leather softeners that can be used to soften the cords if you plan to throw this bola. The age of this bola is approximately 25 years. This is not an antique, but is one of the nicer bolas that you will find for sale and is functional, rather than a decorative collectable. Cord length = 70 -> 74 cm ; Ball diameters = 5 -> 6 cm ; Weight = 542 gm This bola was sold in an auction in 2003 for $320. It had the following description: This is a unique and superb handmade scuplture representing the famous Gaucho Car�cter Mart�n Fierro. In the province of Jujuy, from which this piece comes, the craftmanship of such items is one of the most important trades. The manufacturing of fine bolas such as these began in colonial times when churches of the region were adorned with this kind of decoration. In contemporary times, men create objects for current use, mixing in details of the old and modern technologies. Mart�n Fierro is one of the major literary works from Argentina. The story tells about the crude realities of the life of a Gaucho in colonial times and about the men who were sent to the frontier during the war with the aboriginal tribes. The native language used in this poetic novel is one of the most important issues of the novel, and it's writer, Jose Hernandez, spent a lot of time learning all he could by living amongst the gauchos.

This bola is a good example of a functional bola with braided leather cords. Each of the balls has a solid interior that is surrounded by a leather pouch. The leather used to hold the balls is Rhea leather. This bola is probably strong enough to throw, but it would be better to hang it on the wall for display. Cord length = 60 -> 67 cm ; Ball diameters = 4.5 -> 6.1 cm ; Weight = 568 gm This very old (late19th Century) bola from Bah�a Blanca, Buenos Aires, Argentina has ivory balls and [,800] silver cap decorations. It was sold in an auction for $1,200 in 2006. Dimensions: Diameter (Bola1 , 3): 2.36" ; (Bola 2): 1.96" , Length: 24.8", Weight: 0.750gr. / 26.13 oz


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После показа последней версии острово Сокровиз. в кооторой Бен Ган пулял из воздушной трубки легкими стрелами. толкьо в нашей школе трех учеников свезли в больницц с травмами глаз.

Кирпич по кумполу- пошустее будет

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Для малых детей давно придумана чудесная игрушка для развития кисти и ловкости.
Юла деревянная и кнутик.Мальчик стегает волчок кнутиком.
Игра с ней ставит необходимые навыки для последующей работы с нагайкой, саблей,кистенём .

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Да нет.В молодости занимался фехтованием на саблях.В армии служил.
Есть ещё простейшее оружие.Цеп.
Как на портрете у Яна Жижки.
Вот для детей отличное занятие -Фехтование тростью : Canne de combat
Все-таки боло -- это не кистень. Это нелетальное оружие.
вola perdida -летальное