Nick 'Uhtomsky (hvac) wrote,
Nick 'Uhtomsky

Вестернизация -1

Portrait of Meiji empress, photograph by Uchida Kyuichi, 1873

Portrait of Meiji emperor, photograph by Uchida Kyuichi, 1873

“A Mirror of Japanese Nobility” by Toyohara Chikanobu, August 1887

“True Portrait of His Majesty,” lithograph based on

“Maple Leaves at New Palace,” artist unknown, December 1888  "Illustration of the Ceremony Promulgating the Constitution,” Artist unknown, 1890

“Illustration of the Imperial Diet of Japan” by Gotÿ Yoshikage, 1890

“Illustration of Grand Festival at Yasukuni Shrine” by Shinohara Kiyooki, 1895

“Observance by His Imperial Majesty of the Military Maneuvers of Combined

“Illustration of a Military Review” by Toyohara Chikanobu, 1887


MIT Visualizing Cultures

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