The bill contains wording to amend the Public Order Act 1986:
* Section 29A o Meaning of "religious hatred" + In this Part "religious hatred" means hatred against a group of persons defined by reference to religious belief or lack of religious belief.
* Section 29B: o (1) A person who uses threatening words or behaviour, or displays any written material which is threatening, is guilty of an offence if he intends thereby to stir up religious hatred.
Critics of the Bill (before the amendments noted below, adding the requirement for the intention of stirring up hatred) claimed that the Act would make major religious works such as the Bible and the Qur'an illegal in their current form in the UK. Comedians and satirists also feared prosecution for their work. While sympathising with those who promoted the legislation, in particular British Muslims, actor and comedian Rowan Atkinson said: "I appreciate that this measure is an attempt to provide comfort and protection to them but unfortunately it is a wholly inappropriate response far more likely to promote tension between communities than tolerance."[2] Leaders of major religions and race groups, as well as non-religious groups such as the National Secular Society and English PEN spoke out against the Bill.
Supporters of the Bill responded that all UK legislation has to be interpreted in the light of the Human Rights Act 1998, which guarantees freedom of religion and expression, and so denied that an Act of Parliament is capable of making any religious text illegal.
The House of Lords passed amendments to the Bill on 25 October 2005 which have the effect of limiting the legislation to "A person who uses threatening words or behaviour, or displays any written material which is threatening... if he intends thereby to stir up religious hatred". This removed the abusive and insulting concept, and required the intention - and not just the possibility - of stirring up religious hatred.
The Government attempted to overturn these changes, but lost the House of Commons votes on 31 January 2006.
Закономерный результат. Русский национализм и иудеохристианство несовместимы, поскольку иудеохристианство является плоть от плоти, кровь от крови сионизма. Иисус призывает фарисеев поступать как Авраам. Но Авраам организовывал проституцию, кровосмешение, обман и подлог, и прочий классический набор негодяя(см.Библия). Поэтому русские заигрывающие с сионизмом через иудохристианство не должны удивляться. Что 282 статья в конечном счете обернулась против них.
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как поправить 282-ю
July 19 2010, 22:32:20 UTC 9 years ago
ключевые слова - в поправке 29B - как раз она и отсутствует в российском законе и как раз она и вызвала бурные дискуссии у английской общественности и в конце концов была принята
The bill contains wording to amend the Public Order Act 1986:
* Section 29A
o Meaning of "religious hatred"
+ In this Part "religious hatred" means hatred against a group of persons defined by reference to religious belief or lack of religious belief.
* Section 29B:
o (1) A person who uses threatening words or behaviour, or displays any written material which is threatening, is guilty of an offence if he intends thereby to stir up religious hatred.
Critics of the Bill (before the amendments noted below, adding the requirement for the intention of stirring up hatred) claimed that the Act would make major religious works such as the Bible and the Qur'an illegal in their current form in the UK. Comedians and satirists also feared prosecution for their work. While sympathising with those who promoted the legislation, in particular British Muslims, actor and comedian Rowan Atkinson said: "I appreciate that this measure is an attempt to provide comfort and protection to them but unfortunately it is a wholly inappropriate response far more likely to promote tension between communities than tolerance."[2] Leaders of major religions and race groups, as well as non-religious groups such as the National Secular Society and English PEN spoke out against the Bill.
Supporters of the Bill responded that all UK legislation has to be interpreted in the light of the Human Rights Act 1998, which guarantees freedom of religion and expression, and so denied that an Act of Parliament is capable of making any religious text illegal.
The House of Lords passed amendments to the Bill on 25 October 2005 which have the effect of limiting the legislation to "A person who uses threatening words or behaviour, or displays any written material which is threatening... if he intends thereby to stir up religious hatred". This removed the abusive and insulting concept, and required the intention - and not just the possibility - of stirring up religious hatred.
The Government attempted to overturn these changes, but lost the House of Commons votes on 31 January 2006.
July 19 2010, 22:39:03 UTC 9 years ago
Вот еще новость
July 19 2010, 22:57:20 UTC 9 years ago
July 19 2010, 23:34:41 UTC 9 years ago
Suspended comment
July 21 2010, 09:32:52 UTC 9 years ago
July 24 2010, 01:32:54 UTC 9 years ago
July 29 2010, 00:30:30 UTC 9 years ago