Автор: craig hamilton
This is the most disgustingly racist article I have ever read. You characterised Africa as a place of poverty, hunger, eternal epidemy and fantastic corruption. These same words can be used to describe your own country Russia. You also state that your people are "fortunate" that Africans are killing each other- How can you a journalist or a human being sya this about a people. Later you concluded that Black Africans will eventually start murdering white Europeans and white Americans.
You are a pathetic excuse for a journalist a cancerous sore on the face of journalism.
I have visited Africa and have visited Russia and in case you are blind the levels of poverty and the problems of corruption are very similar. I hope you do not consume so much vodka or use any drugs prior to writing your next article.
Очень характерно.
December 4 2002, 11:11:19 UTC 16 years ago
Тогда откуда взялся товарищ утверждающий что он "посещал Россию и Африку"?
Или есть?
December 5 2002, 08:34:13 UTC 16 years ago
В Рашке может и был. Да из наших наверно ублюдок.
Живет где-нибудь в Штатах и стесняется своего
December 4 2002, 14:23:03 UTC 16 years ago