5. …that anti-Semitism and xenophobia are being exploited by the secret services for demonizing big business and creating militaristic hysteria similar to German under the Nazi regime?
Константин, давайте начистоту, какое у Вас звание? :))
Кстати Вы ведь хороший пример привели, как надо уметь пиздеть. А Вы говорите, что жаль, мол русские кого-то там не покупают... Силь ву пле, силь ву пле...
…that under the Putin government more than 50% of the most important government posts are occupied by people who came for the former KGB special services?
*** ... outrageously stealing the half that belongs to us, too.
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October 22 2003, 07:12:36 UTC 15 years ago
Константин, давайте начистоту, какое у Вас звание? :))
October 22 2003, 07:14:05 UTC 15 years ago
October 22 2003, 07:14:50 UTC 15 years ago
October 22 2003, 07:25:53 UTC 15 years ago
С одной усохшей рукой и трубочкой)))
(со знанием дела)
October 22 2003, 15:40:36 UTC 15 years ago
October 22 2003, 09:20:18 UTC 15 years ago
October 22 2003, 10:45:16 UTC 15 years ago
October 23 2003, 01:47:01 UTC 15 years ago
Но раз его не любят такие идиоты, то можно и поддержать :)
October 22 2003, 12:46:56 UTC 15 years ago
... outrageously stealing the half that belongs to us, too.