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Русофобу на заметку: Top 10 Most Educated Countries in the World

> Pct. population with tertiary education: 53.5%
> Average annual growth rate (2000-2011): n/a
> Education expenditure as pct. of GDP: 4.9% (5th lowest)

In 2011, more than half of Russia’s population 25 to 64 had attained a tertiary education. Additionally, nearly 95% of adults held at least an upper-secondary qualification at that time, compared with the OECD average of 75%. Russia has, according to the OECD, a “historically strong investment in education.”

> Pct. population with tertiary education: 51.3%
> Average annual growth rate (2000-2011): 2.3%
> Education expenditure as pct. of GDP: 6.6% (10th highest)

As of 2011, about one in four Canadian adults — the highest proportion in the OECD — had attained a career-oriented, skill-based education. In 2010, Canada spent $16,300 for post-secondary schooling per student annually.

> Pct. population with tertiary education: 46.4%
> Average annual growth rate (2000-2011): 3.0% (14th lowest)
> Education expenditure as pct. of GDP: 5.1% (6th lowest)

Japan spent a smaller percentage of its GDP on education than the average country measured by the OECD. But the country still has one of the most educated populations in the world.

> Pct. population with tertiary education: 46.4%
> Average annual growth rate (2000-2011): n/a
> Education expenditure as pct. of GDP: 7.5% (5th highest)

In Israel, 18- to 21-year-old men and 18- to 20-year-old women are required to enlist in the military. According to the OECD, this has resulted in much lower levels of enrollment for residents in this age group.

> Pct. population with tertiary education: 42.5%
> Average annual growth rate (2000-2011): 1.4% (the least)
> Education expenditure as pct. of GDP: 7.3% (6th highest)

Public spending increased by 5% on average among OECD countries between 2008 and 2010. In the United States, however, spending decreased by 1% during that time.

> Pct. population with tertiary education: 40.4%
> Average annual growth rate (2000-2011): 4.9% (6th highest)
> Education expenditure as pct. of GDP: 7.6% (3rd highest)

Koreans have a relatively good chance of finding a job after receiving an education. Just 2.6% of adults in the country with the equivalent of a bachelor’s degree were unemployed.

> Pct. population with tertiary education: 39.4%
> Average annual growth rate (2000-2011): 4.0%
> Education expenditure as pct. of GDP: 6.5% (12th highest)

About three-quarters of tertiary education in the United Kingdom was funded by private sources in 2010, second only to Chile among countries reviewed by the OECD.

> Pct. population with tertiary education: 39.3%
> Average annual growth rate (2000-2011): 2.9%
> Education expenditure as pct. of GDP: 7.3% (7th highest)

After completing secondary school, many New Zealanders pursue technical, skill-based educations. Of the country’s adults, well over 15% had attained this kind of college education, among the highest proportions among nations reviewed by the OECD.

> Pct. population with tertiary education: 39.3%
> Average annual growth rate (2000-2011): 1.7%
> Education expenditure as pct. of GDP: 6.5% (11th highest)

Based on the performance of Finland’s secondary school students on international tests, the country has a very effective education system. Finland’s investment in education continues past secondary school.

> Pct. population with tertiary education: 38.3%
> Average annual growth rate (2000-2011): 3.1%
> Education expenditure as pct. of GDP: 6.1% (15th lowest)

Australia has been a popular destination for international students for some time. In 2009, more than 25% of the total population in Australia was foreign-born, the highest percentage of any country reviewed by the OECD.

Tags: Думы о России, Записки на манжетах, Элегируя на арфе