Я, къ сожалѣнiю, нечувствителенъ къ запахамъ. Къ Часовнѣ я подойду (не въ эту прогулку), но фотографировать ее въ силу тѣсноты трудно. Хотя эти снимки я выложу тоже.
Phanocles, Greek poet of uncertain date and provenance, but probably of the 3rd cent. BC. Six fragments or testimonia of his poetry survive; all seem to belong to the same elegiac poem entitled Ἔρωτες, ἢ Καλοί ('Love Affairs, or Beautiful Boys'). This seems to have contained a series of accounts of the passions of heroes (e.g. Orpheus, Tantalus, Agamemnon) or gods (e.g. Dionysus) for boys; possibly each episode was introduced by the formula ἢ ὡς ('or as . . . ') in the manner of Hesiod's Ehoiai, as in frs. 1 and 3. The longest fragment (1) describes the death and mutilation of Orpheus by Thracian women, jealous of his love for Calais: their descendants were ever afterwards tattooed as a punishment; the pre-eminence of Lesbos in poetry is explained by the fact that Orpheus' head and lyre were washed ashore and buried there. The importance of aetiologies in frs. 1, 5, and 6 might suggest a connection with Callimachus (3), but Phanocles' language is simpler, being more straightforwardly imitative of Homer, and his narrative more direct. He has more in common with Hermesianax (who is more likely than Phanocles to be the author of the tattoo-poem PBrux. 8934); POxy. 3723 (?imperial date) may be an imitation of Phanocles. TEXTS Powell, CA 106–9; Diehl, Anth. Lyr. Graec. 62. 71–3.
Автор статьи: Frederick John Williams, Professor of Greek, The Queen\’s University of Belfast, UK'.
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February 12 2006, 01:22:26 UTC 13 years ago
А Вы к Сен-Шапелю не пойдёте?
February 12 2006, 06:19:04 UTC 13 years ago
Къ Часовнѣ я подойду (не въ эту прогулку), но фотографировать ее въ силу тѣсноты трудно. Хотя эти снимки я выложу тоже.
February 12 2006, 09:34:37 UTC 13 years ago
Powell, CA 106–9; Diehl, Anth. Lyr. Graec. 62. 71–3.
Автор статьи:
Frederick John Williams, Professor of Greek, The Queen\’s University of Belfast, UK'.
© Copyright The Oxford Classical Dictionary © Oxford University Press 1996, 2000
А в письме греческий не пройдет. На это можно сослаться?
February 12 2006, 11:54:45 UTC 13 years ago
с уважением
February 13 2006, 16:56:37 UTC 13 years ago
Re: с уважением
February 14 2006, 05:59:51 UTC 13 years ago