"Your Royal Majesty:
The public life in Russia has such a state, that it is difficult for simple people to coordinate their activity and achieve any improvements. Corruption, bureaucratic obstacles and suffocation of public initiative is everywhere. Therefore we ask for your help and sympathy.
We understand that the Russian Federation is a sovereign state, and you are not able to affect directly the public life of our country. However the very nature of blogosphere, being a part of world's exterritorial Internet space, makes the influence across borders possible. We, the users of "LiveJournal" (hereafter referred to as LJ), dare to appeal to you, because Mr. Benjamin Wegg-Prosser, a British citizen with well-known positions in English establishment, has entered management of SUP ("SUP Fabrik"), the company that controls Cyrillic sector of LJ. Until recently he served as Director of Strategic Communications in the Cabinet of Prime Minister Tony Blair.
Besides, recently your Ambassador to Russian Federation, Sir Tony Brenton, met in his residence with popular users of LJ and expressed his desire to contribute to the extent of his power and possibilities, to the development of communication between bloggers of the Russian Federation and the United Kingdom. The meeting at the Embassy was unprecedented and was enthusiastically perceived by the Internet community. This gives us reason to associate our hope for benevolent participation in our needs with your country.
Your Majesty, there is another circumstance in this unusual address of our request. We know about your charitable activities that have continued for more than half a century. As head of the people of the Great Britain, Head of the Commonwealth and head of the Anglican Church, you bring enlightenment and humanism that light up all continents of the Earth. Your moral authority is indisputable, the ruling circles and ordinary citizens of other countries including Russia have to heed your words, perhaps even unwittingly.
In this regard we would like most respectfully to draw attention of Your Majesty to the following:
In conditions of the declining political freedom as well as rapid development of computer technology, the network of private Internet-blogs before our eyes turns into an important resource of free democratic press. Its potential is many times more than the potential of free radio of 1950-80s. Unfortunately, not only friends of freedom understand this but also enemies.
The company SUP and Mr. Anton Nosik, who took upon himself the role of representation of this company in blogger's community, are engaged in agressive commercial activities, such as placing banner advertisements in personal diaries of LJ users. Meanwhile our community has the noncommercial character; the majority of users maintain their blogs on non-profit voluntary basis. Often they spend efforts comparable to a working day of a professional journalist. The substantial part of the users is composed of poor citizens, especially in the Russian provinces. We consider acceptable to SUP to conduct commercial activity, but we want it to have non-predatory nature and to contribute directly to the development of the blogosphere. To that end, we believe that the establishment of a Board of Guardians would be expedient, which will include a number of respectable and competent LJ users, along with the businessmen from SUP. It would be possible to allocate to the Board a part of the profits, say 20%, which would be spent on charitable purposes, on organization of literary and art contests, exhibitions, and would go to accounts of bloggers having big resources or needing assistance (for example, living in remote parts of the country). This would stimulate the self-development of blogosphere.
At the same time the Board of Guardians could centralize and coordinate collection of funds for charitable purposes within LJ. At the present time with the connivance of Mr. Nosik and the management of SUP the process is conducted with violation of all rules and standards, which not only encourages criminal incidents, but directly discredits the very idea of the Internet charity. There are serious concerns that underground associations of criminals may operate under this cover.
Day and night Mr. Nosik pours through his blog streams of dirty obscenities, offending the honor and dignity of hundreds of thousands of users, among who there are many minors, religious people, and clergymen. The very title of Mr. Nosik's blog is derived from a highly offensive word. One should consider that the Russian language has a strictly hierarchical principle and such foul language in the context of normal word usage sounds as a direct insult and a challenge.
Even more unfortunate is that as a result of this hooliganism (?), new users of the resource do not receive a proper guidance. On the contrary, the person, whose name is initially associated with LJ, provokes people to rudeness, insolence and abuse by the very title of his blog. And after many decades without freedom of speech it is extremely difficult for people to open a dialog. As a result, intrusions into personal life constantly happen in LJ, scandals and squabbles over social and national matters often rock the blogosphere.
The last fact worth speaking about in particular. Many posts of Mr. Nosik are soaked in savage hatred to people of other nations and faith, such as residents of Middle East and Muslims. Should we say, that a few dozens of thousands people among the millions of Russian users are faithful Muslims, and they are directly offended by these statements. This type of expression can be neglected considering private nature of an ordinary blog, but with the name of Mr.Nosik entire LJ is being inevitably associated, and therefore his private opinion - the opinion of not exactly civilized and not exactly sane person - is taken for the opinion of the company, and indirectly - for the opinion of the entire mass of users. This creates absolutely abnormal situation around our blogosphere.
We also disagree with the cultivation of artificial hierarchy in LJ, resulting in the fact that a small number of users, so called "tysyachniki" (authors of the most popular diaries) turn into the closed caste, whereas a great bulk of bloggers are deprived of free competition and can make their way to the top of rating only via technical tricks. It appears that the relegation of "Live Journals" to the level of faceless robots represents the covered goal of SUP.
We respectfully ask Your Majesty not to refuse us the courtesy to use your high moral authority to help, under given political circumstances, transform LJ from the polygon of secret police, used for dirty PR-technologies, political provocations and criminal offences into a cultural informational resource, which in near future is destined to become the bastion of freedom of speech, democracy and tolerance.
We express a humble hope that our letter will be published in the British media, such as "The Guardian", where Mr. Wegg-Prosser worked in his time, and thereby our problems will become an object of international awareness and free unprejudiced consideration. And some of us, possibly being incorrigible optimists, hope for your personal participation in improving Russian blogosphere, at least in the form of moral sympathy.
Perhaps our problems may seem comical to you, and from a side we appear as a small fantastic nation, living in Lewis Carroll's virtual world behind the looking-glass. But currently more then a million people are bloggers in our country. Given the dynamics of blogosphere we will soon become 10 millions and these 10 millions will be recruited from the most educated and proactive part of 140-million population. The Great Britain always was able to combine reasonable conservatism with scientific foresight and daring social experiments. 21st century will inevitably create new means of communications, new forms of power and new types of political life. This is already happening before our very eyes.
Please accept, Your Majesty, the assurance of our highest consideration. (Signatures)"
"1. Не знаю как перевести "хулиганство". Владелец языка
предложил "disrespect", но это явно более мягкое
2. "Ваше Королевское Величество!" я заменил во многих
местах на "Your Majesty" без восклицательного. Это
более стандартное использование, восклицательный знак
для англичан выглядит не к месту. Можете вставить
"Your Royal Majesty".
3. Почтительнейше я перевел respectfully - но можно
усилить "most respectfully", хотя так говорят редко.
Было бы желательно выйти на каких-либо английских корреспондентов, аккредитованных в Москве. Возможно их заинтересует текст письма и сама акция. Если выход не получится, пошлём английский текст в редакцию "Гардиан" своим ходом.
P.S. Сбор подписей пока продолжается. Подписываться можно здесь.
October 6 2007, 03:31:02 UTC 11 years ago
Corruption, bureaucratic obstacles and suffocation of public initiative are everywhere.
Оно же и спеллчекером находится.
October 6 2007, 20:19:23 UTC 11 years ago
October 6 2007, 20:32:52 UTC 11 years ago
October 6 2007, 21:51:10 UTC 11 years ago
Corruption, bureaucratic obstacles and suffocation of public initiative is everywhere. Girl, boy and dog is going home.
October 6 2007, 03:38:44 UTC 11 years ago
1. "head of the Anglican Church" лучше заменить на официальный титул "Supreme Governor of the Church of England".
2. "polygon of secret police" заменить на "testing ground of secret police".
3. "small fantastic nation" заменитть на "small fictional nation".
October 6 2007, 06:41:47 UTC 11 years ago
October 6 2007, 20:23:51 UTC 11 years ago
Вы правда думаете что она его читала?
October 6 2007, 04:08:54 UTC 11 years ago
October 6 2007, 04:13:37 UTC 11 years ago
October 9 2008, 15:24:26 UTC 10 years ago
Мелкая правка
October 6 2007, 04:26:50 UTC 11 years ago
[The public life in Russia has such a state, that]-->The state of public life in Russia is such, that
[Therefore we ask]-->Therefore, we ask
[before our eyes turns]-->turns before our eyes
[At the present time with the connivance]-->At the present time, with the connivance
[without freedom of speech it is extremely difficult]-->without freedom of speech, it is extremely difficult
[represents the covered goal of SUP]-->is the covered goal of SUP
[offences into a cultural informational resource]-->offences, into a cultural informational resource
Re: Мелкая правка
October 6 2007, 15:23:21 UTC 11 years ago
Re: Мелкая правка
October 6 2007, 17:17:42 UTC 11 years ago
[The public life in Russia has such a state, that]-->The public life in Russia is in such a state that
Re: Мелкая правка
October 6 2007, 20:29:45 UTC 11 years ago
Очень часто буквальный перевод русских предложений приводит к этому одиночному "such". ИМХО, англичане так говорят очень редко.
Вообще надо быть осторожным с добавлением запятых (в английском их используют реже), но возможно Вы и правы.
Re: Мелкая правка
October 7 2007, 02:40:11 UTC 11 years ago
Царство Пассивного Залога
October 7 2007, 06:12:35 UTC 11 years ago
Поэтому и не надо заниматься буквальным переводом.Калька типа The public life in Russia has such a state, that it is difficult for simple people to вместо простого английского The state of public life in Russia makes it difficult for people to...
И т.д. Поэтому в подобных ситуациях лучше избегать византийских конструкций типа "This type of expression can be neglected considering private nature of an ordinary blog, but with the name of Mr.Nosik entire LJ is being inevitably associated, and therefore his private opinion - the opinion of not exactly civilized and not exactly sane person - is taken for the opinion of the company, and indirectly - for the opinion of the entire mass of users."(выделение мое), даже если придется при этом пожертвовать уникальностью выпукло-кудрявого стиля Друга Утят. Приведенная выше фраза даже по-русски вызывала ментальный запор. А теперь представьте англичанина пытающегося понять not exactly sane nature of Mr. Nosik's blog.
мелкие неточности
October 6 2007, 04:30:57 UTC 11 years ago
Должно быть "than" вместо "then".
Порядок слов хотелось бы поменять на "in our country are bloggers"
> will be published in the British media
Артикль "the" в данном контексте представляется излишним.
Слово polygon лучше заменить, как советовали выше. Оно обычно используется в значении "многоугольник".
> 140-million population
Лучше "140 million population", без дефиса. То же для "PR-technologies".
> Often they spend
Тут лучше поменять порядок слов на "They often spend".
> in the form of moral sympathy
Тут напрашивается неопределённый артикль: "of a moral sympathy".
Re: мелкие неточности
October 6 2007, 20:35:04 UTC 11 years ago
вариант юзера vadda (начало)
October 6 2007, 05:27:02 UTC 11 years ago
под него Вы соберете еще сотни три подписей
To the Attention of HRM Queen Elisabeth II
Your Royal Majesty:
As Your Royal Majesty may be aware the current state of affairs in Russia is outright abysmal. Common folks are being routinely beaten and fed to the polar bears without any coordination with their relatives and loved ones. Common corruption, bureaucracy and political oppression are things of the past, most of our people can only dream about such old-fashioned things in their cold and poorly ventilated prison cells. Your Highness, we are begging for your help!
We realize that you, Your Majesty, are a rightful sovereign of the Russian Federation, we also realize that you could not care less about our country's dire problems. Nevertheless we hope that your position of a Supreme Head of International Cyberspace ExTerrorists would make it possible to extend your invisible hand over and across any international border. We (and by "we" I mean "me"), users (and by users I mean "freeloaders") of Russian-speaking LJ community demand that you immediately seize all assets of so called "SUP Fabrik", redistribute them among poor and destitute (and by "poor and destitute" I mean "me") and arrest their leaders. Hint : Benjamin Wegg-Prosser is one of the easiest to find, he is a member of a criminal organization called "British establishment". You will thank me later.
I also have to inform you that Your Majesty's ambassador to Russia Sir Antony Branton's choice of neckties is one of the most bizarre I've had the misfortune to witness. Furthermore, during the recent lunch at the embassy that I'd been invited to we've been served the most god-awful gazpacho which had disastrous impact on my digestion in particular and Russian-British relations in general. All that gives me a strong impression that there are certain forces among "British establishment" (see above) that are trying to ruin young Russian democracy and my gastrointestinal tract.
Your Majesty! You are well known all around the world for your charity and for the fact that your father happened to be the king of England. My request might seem quite unusual and completely out of place, but would you be willing to donate a modest sum to the father of Russian democracy?
The reason I am asking is that my main source of information - radio - is not so potent anymore (you'd had to meet me in the roaring 50s!) and looks quite bland compared to the modern technologies. Alas not only my friends but also my enemies have come into possession of this information.
"SUP Fabrik" and its manager Anton Nosik are exploiting rich commercial potential of a new media, hardcore advertisement being one of their favorite methods. My radio, being outdated and outmoded as it is, cannot receive these advertisements no matter how hard I try (sometimes I spend days trying to tune in, time which I'd rather spent doing something useful with my life). We ("and by we" - see above), destitute Russian citizens, the rightful owners of LJ strongly believe that it would be appropriate to nationalize the Internet and hand it over to us. We shall establish an Internet Supervisory Committee and you, Your Majesty, might even become a member of some sort and may or may not be allowed to advice us on how to manage it. That would be most stimulating.
October 17 2008, 05:54:16 UTC 10 years ago
вариант юзера vadda (окончание)
October 6 2007, 05:28:07 UTC 11 years ago
Mr.Nosik, I am afraid, has stooped way too low and is beyond redemption. I could've named you the names he called me in his blog but I am afraid the shock will be unbearable. Mind you, this letter has nothing to do with a personal conflict between Mr.Nosik and yours truly (and by "yours truly" I mean all destitute Russian citizens). This letter is a cry for help, a cry for justice.
Besides, Mr Nosik is a Jew. I understand it is not his fault and I personally have nothing against Jews. My kids once brought home a homeless Jew in a sack and I cried all the way to the river bank. But Mr. Nosik's foul language and his loathing directed towards Palestinian mujahideen - most peaceful of all people - makes all mujahideen cry their beautiful eyes out.
We strongly oppose Mr. Nosik's criminal intentions to create a closed caste of so-called "thousandniks". Once you swore allegiance personally to Mr Nosik and his clergy you are given a chance to be among LJ-elite, whereas "destitute Russian citizens" (TM) (see above) are being denied any access to this sweet, sweet paradise.
We, destitute Russian citizens (see above) humbly request Your Majesty Queen Elizabeth II of England to heed to our request and unleash your wrath upon the "SUP Fabrik" and its wretched managers (especially Mr. Nosik).
You might find our request amusing and not worthy you Royal attention, but we, Destitute Russian Citizens (see above), have a very long autumn and a very long winter ahead of us and nothing better to do. Our souls are filled with eternal sadness, our past has been washed away, our future is uncertain, we jest and jest we not.
Yours truly
Re: вариант юзера vadda (окончание)
October 6 2007, 06:11:21 UTC 11 years ago
Re: вариант юзера vadda (окончание)
October 6 2007, 09:10:23 UTC 11 years ago
We remain Your Royal Magesty's obedient servants,
Re: вариант юзера vadda (окончание)
October 8 2007, 04:09:07 UTC 11 years ago
October 6 2007, 05:55:27 UTC 11 years ago
October 9 2008, 16:11:04 UTC 10 years ago
October 6 2007, 05:58:58 UTC 11 years ago
October 6 2007, 17:39:57 UTC 11 years ago
October 6 2007, 17:50:35 UTC 11 years ago
October 7 2007, 05:00:17 UTC 11 years ago
October 7 2007, 09:42:03 UTC 11 years ago
October 6 2007, 06:02:32 UTC 11 years ago
October 6 2007, 07:58:20 UTC 11 years ago
October 6 2007, 08:21:44 UTC 11 years ago
У меня английский хороший, да. Но знание английского языка — это, в частности, знание своего уровня. Грамматическая основа там незамысловатая, но тысяча лет строгой иерархии сделали своё дело. Писать письмо королеве умеет только высокообразованный британец. Иначе даже читать не будут: «неуважение к родному языку и культуре адресата.»
October 6 2007, 08:38:17 UTC 11 years ago
Re: противоречие
October 6 2007, 09:07:54 UTC 11 years ago
Re: противоречие
October 6 2007, 09:21:11 UTC 11 years ago
Если бы мы (все 255-ро) пришли к пэрам в грязных футболках (эквивалент грамматических ошибок и казуального тона в письменном обращении), нас бы просто не подпустили, не говоря уж об аудиенции (эквивалент прочтения письма титулоносцем.)
Сейчас попробую от себя.
Re: противоречие
October 6 2007, 11:04:54 UTC 11 years ago
Re: противоречие
October 6 2007, 11:43:20 UTC 11 years ago
Это типичная ошибка постсоветского человека. Его суть после 70 лет советской власти - поразительная социальная неопытность. После моего увольнения из "Русской жизни" мой коллега Кузьминский по приказу начальства написал против меня нелепый пасквиль. Каков был следующий ход поощряемого в своём самодурстве главреда? Правильно - он пинком вышиб из редакции самого Кузьминского. Сейчас штрейкбрехер горько плакает и рассылает коллегам открытые закрытые письма. Единственным реальным оппонентом главреда в РЖ была Екатерина Мень. Какова её судьба после моего "увольнения"? Ольшанский бедную Катю макнул головой в унитаз и держит в таком положении уже неделю. Та опять рассылает членам редакции жалобные письма о помощи. А чего же люди ожидали? Дали самодуру карт-бланш и теперь пожинают плоды своего мудрого решения.
Re: противоречие
October 6 2007, 12:50:29 UTC 11 years ago
"Наш девиз - духовность, духовность и духовность", "Я ведь никогда не могу первым оскорбить человека. Ну, не могу и всё", "Я недавно ходил к священнику молодому освятить крестик. У меня крестик такой с розочкой в центре". Даже армянские корни дополняют сходство.
Взаимоотношения Ольшанского с окружающими отлично можно описать таким текстом:
"Р у б и к. А пьеса, которую мы играем? Да ерунда это на уровне студенческого капустника. Потом сам Гагарин...
М и л и ц и о н е р. Что Гагарин? (Далее всё более и более пьяно.)
Р у б и к. Сволочной мужик. Онанист. Я этот тип знаю. "Кирилл Изводов". И себя изводит, и других. Никому житья не даёт. Ну, как талант не знаю, не читал другие вещи его. Хотя, полагаю, дутая величина. Светозар Кириллович любит такие фантомы создавать. Создаёт, а они же его потом грязью и поливают. Но даже пускай. Я не об этом. Я по-человечески говорю. Как человек, Гагарин ничто. Так... лобастое насекомое. Чтобы поговорить по душам, посидеть - не-ет. К нему с бутылкой, а он этак губой: "Я не пью, извините". Смотрит сквозь очки, как робот. Линзы на них с три пальца толщиной. Не-ет, такие люди, конечно, не пьют. Себя БЕРЕГУТ. А окружающие для них так... шелуха. "Комедианты". А что он о тебе говорил, я вообще не могу передать.
М и л и ц и о н е р. А что?
Р у б и к. Да так...
М и л и ц и о н е р. Да нет, старик, ты скажи.
Р у б и к. Да что - моргает своими глазами. Ты тогда вышел, а он и говорит: "А это... существо тоже в спектакле играет?"
М и л и ц и о н е р. Что, так и сказал - "существо"?
Р у б и к. Так и сказал.
М и л и ц и о н е р. А ты?
Р у б и к. А что я? Я говорю: Николай Иванович очень хороший человек, талантливый актёр.
М и л и ц и о н е р. А он?
Р у б и к. А что он? Стоит, глазками своими под стёклами хлопает. И смотрит так, знаешь..
М и л и ц и о н е р. Как?
Р у б и к. С подъёбкой. Гнида он. И пьеса его... У нас всё-таки традиции. У нас Станиславский играл. На нашей сцене Питера Брука принимали. А тут вдруг "Гагарин". "Нас Юра в полёт провожал". "Перестройка".
М и л и ц и о н е р. И зритель не пойдёт.
Р у б и к. Конечно, не пойдёт.
М и л и ц и о н е р. Не пойдёт.
Р у б и к. Нет, не пойдёт.
М и л и ц и о н е р. Конечно, кому охота время на это "искусство" тратить?
Р у б и к. Да никому.
М и л и ц и о н е р. Вот и я про то же.
Р у б и к. Праздничней, говорит, надо. А чего "праздничней"? Он думает, что если посадить актёра на сцену и заставить его говорить как попугая: "Зритель умный, зритель на эту пьесу не пойдёт", то публика, потрясённая новым и оригинальным ходом, сюда валом повалит. "Гений"...
М и л и ц и о н е р (совсем пьяный). Я недавно Алексея Ремизова читал. Головастый мужик. Он знаешь, что сказал?
Р у б и к. Ну?
М и л и ц и о н е р. Он сказал: "Для актёра две вещи позорные - изображать пьяного и имитировать кавказский акцент".
Рубик смеётся.
М и л и ц и о н е р. Ты над кем смеёшься? (Хватает его за грудки.) Над собой смеёшься. (Отталкивает Рубика, но падает сам.)
Р у б и к. Абыжаищь, началник.
М и л и ц и о н е р (становясь на четвереньки). Поговори у меня ещё... Ох, плохо что-то... Ну, Гагарин, попадёшься ты мне... Шекспир совковый (блюёт). Я Сталина в двух фильмах играл (блюёт).
Р у б и к (отходит в другой конец сцены, звонит по сотовому телефону). Светозар Кириллович? Я не могу так работать... Ну что, Смирнов опять нажрался как свинья. Заблевал всю сцену, скотина... Светозар Кириллович, я понимаю, но у любой специфики есть, как говориться, предельный допуск. Потом эти его хамские намёки... Да не хочу даже говорить. Я отношусь к вам с глубоким уважением и говорю вам это совершенно искренне, но из уважения к вам я просто не в состоянии передать... Говорит, что вы "существо" какое-то... Моё мнение: гнать таких из труппы поганой метлой. Пьеса Гагарина сложнейшая, многоплановая, масса подтекста. Приходит свинья и заблёвывает всю сцену.
Милиционер сидит на полу вытянув ноги и пытается дудеть в свисток с другой стороны. Раздаются компрометирующие звуки.
Р у б и к (проходя мимо, выхватывает свисток). Руськая прымытывщина."
Re: противоречие
October 7 2007, 00:41:45 UTC 11 years ago
Также скопировал в отдельную запись у себя.
Re: противоречие
October 7 2007, 02:33:29 UTC 11 years ago
Re: противоречие
October 7 2007, 03:15:52 UTC 11 years ago
Re: противоречие
October 6 2007, 20:39:03 UTC 11 years ago
Или свою редакцию того что есть.
Re: противоречие
October 7 2007, 00:43:51 UTC 11 years ago
Также скопировал в отдельную запись у себя.
Только на 4+ задора не хватило :-)
October 6 2007, 08:39:51 UTC 11 years ago
оценки, которые никто не просил выставлять
October 6 2007, 12:47:22 UTC 11 years ago
Английский язык другой. Говорят, Хэмингуэй писал короткими фразами. Фразами, состоящими из трех-четырех слов. Энергетика такая. Говорят, получалось. Говорят, получается. Вот и всякие сложности можно разбить на простые вещи. "Сущность А находится в логическом отношении с сущностью Б".
Русский язык Галковского использует все возможности русского языка, и трудно представить себе адекватный перевод этого на английский. Трудно, но у Набокова, вроде, получалось, ведь есть же у него параллельные тексты, та же Лолита.
Канадский народ смотрит на это проще
October 6 2007, 10:52:42 UTC 11 years ago
Citizens' Messages
to Her Majesty The Queen
В целом - не годится
October 6 2007, 06:08:06 UTC 11 years ago
Re: В целом - не годится
October 6 2007, 07:12:52 UTC 11 years ago
Re: В целом - не годится
October 6 2007, 07:31:39 UTC 11 years ago
Re: В целом - не годится
October 6 2007, 07:33:23 UTC 11 years ago
Re: В целом - не годится
October 6 2007, 08:04:10 UTC 11 years ago
Re: В целом - не годится
October 6 2007, 20:46:37 UTC 11 years ago
Носитель языка, являющийся профессиональным переводчиком или литератором мог бы очень помочь. Хотя моему знакомому и здесь в штатах "профессионалы" такое резюме составили, что глаза в трубочку сворачивались.
July 17 2008, 07:02:53 UTC 11 years ago
October 9 2008, 15:59:45 UTC 10 years ago
October 17 2008, 09:40:58 UTC 10 years ago
October 6 2007, 06:43:11 UTC 11 years ago
October 6 2007, 07:15:10 UTC 11 years ago
Что было бы правильно, это выйти на московские бюро той же "Гардиан" и "Би-Би-Си".
October 6 2007, 08:58:15 UTC 11 years ago
October 6 2007, 09:00:50 UTC 11 years ago
October 6 2007, 10:42:05 UTC 11 years ago
Англоведы, хреновы.
Всю Британию перевернули с ног на глову, а сами в английском (особенно ДЕГ) не в зуб ногой.
October 6 2007, 12:41:49 UTC 11 years ago
Хороший перевод
October 6 2007, 10:49:02 UTC 11 years ago
Re: Хороший перевод
October 6 2007, 20:53:54 UTC 11 years ago
В оригинале было 2 раза "почтительнейше" - в переводе я most оставил только в одном.
October 6 2007, 11:12:18 UTC 11 years ago
Необходимые уточнения конечно будут внесены, спасибо.
October 6 2007, 20:57:04 UTC 11 years ago
Надо наверное назначить редактора с хорошим знанием английского, чтобы он учел все предложенные поправки.
October 6 2007, 11:16:03 UTC 11 years ago
October 6 2007, 11:25:53 UTC 11 years ago
October 6 2007, 11:50:15 UTC 11 years ago
вдобавок к замечаниям falcao, ixl_ru, resoner07
[Sir Tony Brenton met in his residence with popular users of LJ]->
Sir Tony Brenton met with popular users of LJ in his residence
At the present time with the connivance of Mr. Nosik and the management of SUP the process is conducted - порядок слов (подлежащее в начале)
Besides, recently your Ambassador - неуклюжая конструкция перед подлежащим
Употребление артиклей:
[The company that controls Cyrillic sector of LJ.] ->
The company that controls the Cyrillic sector of LJ.
[This gives us reason]-> This gives us a reason
[This creates absolutely abnormal situation ] -> This creates an absolutely abnormal situation
[ Until recently he served ] -> Until recently, he served
[In this regard we would like ] -> In this regard, we would like
(хотя не уверен на 100%)
[ As head of the people of the Great Britain] -> As the leader of the people of the Great Britain
[One should consider that the Russian language has a strictly hierarchical principle] -> The Russian language has a strictly hierarchical principle
[The last fact worth speaking about in particular.] in particular -> in more detail?
October 6 2007, 21:12:31 UTC 11 years ago
Sir Tony Brenton met with popular users of LJ in his residence
V: согласен
At the present time with the connivance of Mr. Nosik and the management of SUP the process is conducted - порядок слов (подлежащее в начале)
V: слегка измененный порядок слов не является преступлением. Но если сделать так как Вы предлагаете - возникнут проблемы далее в этом предложении, which not only encourages criminal incidents будет относиться к Носику, а не ко всему предложению.
Употребление артиклей:
[The company that controls Cyrillic sector of LJ.] ->
The company that controls the Cyrillic sector of LJ.
[This gives us reason]-> This gives us a reason
[This creates absolutely abnormal situation ] -> This creates an absolutely abnormal situation
V: согласен
[ Until recently he served ] -> Until recently, he served
[In this regard we would like ] -> In this regard, we would like
(хотя не уверен на 100%)
V: согласен
[ As head of the people of the Great Britain] -> As the leader of the people of the Great Britain
V: согласен
[The last fact worth speaking about in particular.] in particular -> in more detail?
V: Так немного искажается смысл, но предложение становится более читаемым.
October 6 2007, 11:58:36 UTC 11 years ago
Редакция перевода
October 6 2007, 12:05:24 UTC 11 years ago
The current state of public life in Russia makes it difficult for common people to coordinate their activity and achieve any improvements. Corruption, bureaucratic obstacles and suffocation of public initiative are everywhere. This is the reason why we seek for your help and sympathy.
We understand that Russian Federation is a sovereign state, and it is not possible for Your Magesty to affect the public life in our country directly. However, the very nature of the blogosphere, which is part of the world's exterritorial Internet space, makes influence across borders possible. We, the users of "LiveJournal" (hereafter referred to as LJ), dare to appeal to you, because the management of the SUP ("SUP Fabrik"), the company that controls the Cyrillic sector of LJ, includes Mr. Benjamin Wegg-Prosser, a British citizen with well-known positions in the English establishment. Until recently, he served as Director of Strategic Communications in the Cabinet of Prime Minister Tony Blair.
Moreover, your Ambassador to the Russian Federation, Sir Tony Brenton, has recently organized a meeting with popular users of LJ in his residence and expressed his desire to contribute, according to his lights and possibilities, to the development of communication between the bloggers of the Russian Federation and the United Kingdom. The meeting at the British Embassy was unprecedented and was enthusiastically perceived by the Internet community. This gives us reason to associate our hope for benevolent concern in our needs with your country.
Your Majesty, there is another circumstance in this unusual address of our request. We know about your charitable activities that have continued for more than half a century. As head of the people of the Great Britain, head of the Commonwealth and head of the Church of England, you bring the light of education and humanism that enlightens all continents of the Earth. Your moral authority is indisputable, the ruling circles and ordinary citizens of other countries including Russia have to heed your words, perhaps even involuntarily.
In this regard, we would like most respectfully to draw Your Majesty's attention to the following:
Under the conditions of narrowing of political freedoms and owing to the rapid development of computer technology, the network of private Internet blogs turns into an important resource of free democratic press in front of our eyes. Its potential exceeds many times that of free radio of 1950-80s. Unfortunately, not only friends of freedom but also its enemies understand this.
Редакция перевода - продолжение
October 6 2007, 12:06:59 UTC 11 years ago
At the same time, the Board of Guardians could centralize and coordinate the collection of funds for charitable purposes within LJ. At present, with the connivance of Mr. Nosik and management of the SUP, this collection of funds proceeds with violation of all rules and standards, which not only encourages criminal incidents, but directly discredits the very idea of the Internet charity. There are serious concerns that underground associations of criminals may operate under this cover.
Day and night Mr. Nosik pours streams of dirty obscenities through his blog, offending the honour and dignity of hundreds of thousands of users, among which there are many infants, religious people, and clergymen. The very name of Mr. Nosik's blog is derived from a highly offensive word. One should consider that the Russian language has strictly hierarchical structure, and such a foul language sounds as a direct insult and provocation in the context of normal word usage.
Even more unfortunate is that, as a result of this hooliganism, new users of the resource do not receive proper guidance. On the contrary, the person whose name is primarily associated with LJ, provokes people to rudeness, insolence and bawdry by the very name of his blog. And, after many decades without freedom of speech, it is extremely difficult for the people to build up a dialog. As a result, intrusions into personal life constantly happen in LJ, scandals and squabbles over social and national matters often shake the blogosphere.
Редакция перевода - окончание
October 6 2007, 12:10:16 UTC 11 years ago
We also disagree with the cultivation of artificial hierarchy in LJ, resulting in the fact that a small number of users, the so-called "tysyachniki" (the authors of the most popular diaries) turn into a closed caste, whereas a great bulk of bloggers are deprived of free competition and can make their way to the top of rating only via technical tricks. It appears that relegation of "Live Journals" to the level of faceless robots is a hidden aim of SUP.
We respectfully ask Your Majesty not to refuse us the favour of using your high moral authority in order to help, under the given political circumstances, to transform LJ from the testing ground of secret police used for dirty PR technologies, political provocations and criminal offences, to a cultural informational resource, which, in the near future, is destined to become the bastion of freedom of speech, democracy and tolerance.
We express a humble hope that our letter will be published in the British media, such as "The Guardian", where Mr. Wegg-Prosser worked in his time, and thereby our problems will become an object of international awareness and free unprejudiced consideration. And some of us, possibly being incorrigible optimists, hope for your personal participation in the improvement of the Russian blogosphere, at least in the form of moral sympathy.
Perhaps, our problems may seem comical to you, and from aside we may appear as a small fictional nation living in Lewis Carroll's virtual world behind the looking-glass. But currently more than a million people are bloggers in our country. Taking into account the dynamics of the blogosphere, we will soon become 10 millions, and these 10 millions will be recruited from the most educated and enterprizing part of the 140-million population. Great Britain has always been able to combine reasonable conservatism with scientific foresight and daring social experiments. The 21st century will inevitably create new means of communication, new forms of power and new types of political life. This is already happening in front of our own eyes.
Please accept, Your Majesty, the assurance of our highest respect. (Signatures)"
October 6 2007, 14:06:44 UTC 11 years ago
Deleted comment
October 6 2007, 14:44:42 UTC 11 years ago
В обоих вариатах (отличный пародийный не рассматриваю), "moral sympathy" режет глаз.
Sympathy в английском - это не симпатия, а скорее жалость. Получается что в самом ключевом месте письма королеву просят "сжальтесь над нами". Если это конечно не прикол, а я полагаю, что нет, надо бы использовать "moral attitude" или через другой оборот пристегнуть "moral character" (так о священниках официально говорят).
Это поправка по существу, а не по стилю, которая мне представляется важной.
Ну и по мелочи, dynamics of blogosphere - это калькированный перевод с русского сленгового выражения, надо заменить (иначе просто непонятно английскому читателю что это означает)на что-нибудь простенькое вроде fast progress или growth или development. Dynamics не используется в смысле "быстрый рост".
Я также согласен со стилистическими замечаниями в начале данного обсуждения.
standard expressions
October 6 2007, 15:05:09 UTC 11 years ago
На самом деле почти для всех этих случаев существуют наиболее стандартные выражения. Но я могу руководствоваться здесь только интуицией или какими-то воспоминаниями о похожих употреблениях слов.
Re: standard expressions
October 6 2007, 15:16:25 UTC 11 years ago
P.S. Надо бы королеву попросить ускорить ЖЖ по траффику, а то грузится медленно. И кроме того, чтоб комментарии можно было редактировать !
Re: standard expressions
October 6 2007, 15:21:47 UTC 11 years ago
moral approval ?
Re: standard expressions
October 6 2007, 15:32:23 UTC 11 years ago
October 6 2007, 15:39:27 UTC 11 years ago
Я только сомневался в уместности его в данной ситуации, поэтому и не стал предлагать. Тут важны нюансы и оттенки "субординации".
Роман предложил хороший вариант: "encouragement". Видимо, его и надо взять за основу.
Re: вариант
October 6 2007, 15:51:20 UTC 11 years ago
Я не против encouragement. Гораздо сильнее чем униженное "sympahty". Sympathy надо к бомжам проявлять.
Re: standard expressions
October 6 2007, 16:26:23 UTC 11 years ago
October 6 2007, 21:23:42 UTC 11 years ago
Поэтому я думаю что важно избежать такого толкования и найти что-нибудь другое.
1. sameness of feeling; affinity between persons or of one person for another
2. a mutual liking or understanding arising from sameness of feeling
3. a feeling of approval of or agreement with an idea, cause, etc.
October 7 2007, 02:04:07 UTC 11 years ago
Просто в английском языке нет другого претендента на перевод русского слова жалость.
Песня была знаменитая про бездомных "Sympathy".
Словарь толковый устарел, переводит тупо с греческого оригинала sym-patia, наверно уже лет сто, издание за изданием. Греческое слово сим-патия (по русски, со-чувствие) в жлобской культуре англичан потеряло свое исходное значение "общего чувства", ИМХО и превратилось в "жалость". Давно обратил внимание.
Получилось хорошо
October 6 2007, 15:21:00 UTC 11 years ago
Cогласен с поправками юзеров ixl_ru и falcao по поводу титулов и стлистики.
Небольшая поправка от себя:
...honor and dignity of hundreds of thousands of users...
Можно сказать и проще:
...honor and dignity of hundreds thousand users...
October 6 2007, 16:22:16 UTC 11 years ago
rowdyism или
rowdiness или
rowdy behavior
Это редкоупотребляемые, но, наверное, более адекватные слова (disturbing of public peace)
October 7 2007, 01:50:54 UTC 11 years ago
October 6 2007, 17:41:31 UTC 11 years ago
Deleted comment
October 6 2007, 18:08:10 UTC 11 years ago
Как написали, так и написали. Чего стесняться? Языками не владеем-с. То, се. Барин _поймет_, если че. :)
А редактирование... Это... Ммм... Проявление верноподданичества, что ли.
October 6 2007, 19:39:06 UTC 11 years ago
October 6 2007, 20:08:52 UTC 11 years ago
> "Your Royal Majesty,
The public life in Russia has such a state... <
После "Мэджэсти" не двоеточие, а запятая, как и предписывают правила делового оборота.
Неправильное начало обращения:
> "Your Royal Majesty:
The public life in Russia has such a state...
October 6 2007, 20:57:50 UTC 11 years ago
"Dear Chasey Lain,
I would like to впендюрить you..."
От перемены мест слагаемых сумма не меняется.
October 7 2007, 21:18:56 UTC 11 years ago
Мой вариант. На четыре с минусом. Нужна вычитка.
October 7 2007, 00:07:21 UTC 11 years ago
Those common citizens of Russia who strive to coöperate toward social improvement, encounter a harsh reality of virulent corruption and miring bureaucracy. Thus we plead Your aid and participation.
We recognise that the Russian Federation is a sovereign state, and even Your Royal Majesty might not influence the political course of our country directly. However, the very nature of the blogosphere, — a part of the global exterritorial space of the Internet, — permits one to exercise their influence across national borders. We, users of the LiveJournal blogging facility, dare to address You, for that SUP Fabrik, — the establishment which oversees the Russian-language constituency of LiveJournal, — has among its governance Mr. Benjamin Wegg-Prosser, a citizen of the United Kingdom with a certain position in its ruling establishment. Until a recent time he held the director’s seat of the strategical communications unit of the former Prime Minister Tony Blair’s administration.
Besides, it was not long ago that Sir Anthony Brenton, Your Royal Majesty’s ambassador to the Russian Federation, hosted a meeting with several prominent writers of LiveJournal, and expressed his enthusiasm to partake in the development of a communion of blog writers of Russia and Great Britain. The meeting was an unprecedented event cheered by the Internet community. It has made look to Your country as the foremost hope in our plights.
October 7 2007, 00:08:25 UTC 11 years ago
Your Royal Majesty! Such an unusual addressment of our plea has another circumstance, one of a more general nature. We are cognisant of Your charitable activity, which has lasted for over a half of a century. As the Head of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, the Head of the Commonwealth of Nations and the Supreme Governor of the Church of England, You bring enlightenment and humanism that shine across all the Earth’s continents. Your moral authority is unquestionable, and Your word is regarded, perhaps unwittingly, by the ruling figures and common men of many nations, including Russia.
And so we beg Your Royal Majesty to spare attention to what will be described hereinafter.
Due to the persistent strictening of political freedoms, and due to the swift development of informational and communicational technology, the network of personal internet publications — blogs — is becoming an important constituent of free democratic press. The potential of this network is manifoldly greater than that of free Western radio broadcasts of the 1950s—’80s. Sadly, the opponents of freedom recognise this fact as well as its supporters.
The aforementioned SUP-Fabrik company and Mr. Anton Nossik, who assumed the task of representing this company in the blogging community, leads intensive commercial activity, such as graphical advertising, in the personal blogs of users of LiveJournal. Yet the spirit of our community is non-commercial, with the overwhelming majority of authors releasing their publications free of charge, on a voluntary basis. Often such publications uptake efforts comparable to those of a full working day of a professional journalist. Personal incomes of a significant proportion of authors is rather low, especially of those in the Russian outlands. We deem it acceptable that SUP be leading commercial activities, yet we desire that those activities do not assume such a predatory character, and that they benefit the blogosphere’s development. For this purpose we think it advisable to establish a board of trustees that would comprise, in addition to the businessmen of SUP, some reputed and competent LiveJournalists. It would be practicable to defer a proportion of monetary income — perhaps a fifth — to charitable purposes, like the organisation of literary and artistic contests and of exhibitions, and the awarding of writers most prominent or most needy. This would stimulate the self-development of the blogosphere.
October 7 2007, 00:09:11 UTC 11 years ago
Concurrently, such a board of trustees could centralise and coordinate the collection of donations for charitable activities within LiveJournal. Presently, at the sufferance of Mr. Nossik and SUP, such collection is done with no respect to norms or rules, endorsing criminal excesses and dishonouring the very notion of charity on the Internet. There exist serious suspicions that, in such conditions of disarray, clandestine groups of swindlers operate.
Mr. Nossik’s blog issues speeches of indecorum and obscenity, offending the grace and dignity of the hundreds of thousands of blog writers, among which are many persons under age, of religious beliefs or of ecclesiastical position. The very name of Nossik’s blog in LiveJournal is a profane word. Noteworthily, the Russian language is built on strictly hierarchical principles, and so the use of profane speech in the context of regular conversation is a provocative insult.
It grieves us even more, that such indecent behaviour results in the lack of appropriate example for the blog network’s newcomers. Rather on the contrary, the man with whose name LiveJournal is firstly associated, incites rudeness, bawdry and misbehaviour, starting at the very title of his blog. After the many decades of unfreedom of speech, our people struggle to revive the culture of public dialogue. Yet through LifeJournal the private lives of innocent writers are regularly disturbed, the blogosphere is often shaken by scandals and squabbles on social and ethnical grounds.
This latter affair needs emphasis. Many postings in the blog of Mr. Nossik are saturated with beastly hatred toward other nations and confessions, for instance, to peoples of the Near East and to the Muslim faith. Among about a million of Russian-speaking LiveJournalists, some tens of thousands are faithful Muslims, insulted directly by such sentiments. Insults of this kind could be forgiven in consideration of the private nature of personal blogs; but the name of Nossik is inevitably associated with the entire Russian-speaking LiveJournal. Therefore, his personal oppinion, — one of a man not completely civilised and not perfectly responsible, — becomes the company’s opinion, and indirectly — the opinion of the whole blogging community. This drives the blogosphere into a rather unhealthy state.
Re: (продление)
October 7 2007, 00:09:34 UTC 11 years ago
We also are displeasured by an artificial hierarchy that is imposed in LiveJournal, a one that leads the minority of “tysiachniki” (writers of most popular blogs) to form an isolated caste, while the bulk of bloggers are deprived of free competition, and can win the top positions of ratings only through technical trickery. It seems that reduction of Live Journals to faceless machines might be the secret true goal of SUP.
Most respectfully we beseech Your Royal Majesty to show the favour to exercise Your highest moral authority, so to encourage, in the given political circumstances, the changing of LiveJournal from a secret police’s playhouse for undecorous propaganda, political provocation and unlawful offenses, into a highly cultured informational facility that is inevitable to become a citadel of freedom of speech, democracy and tolerance.
We would like to express a humblest hope, that this letter of ours will be announced and reproduced in British press; for example, in The Guardian magazine, which used to employ Mr. Wegg-Prosser. In this manner our plights will be subjected to the liberal discussion of the global community. Some of us, perhaps the overly optimistic ones, hope for Your personal participation in the bettering of the Russian blogosphere, at least in a way of moral condolence.
To You our predicaments may seem laughable, and from outside we may seem a dwarfish people in an imaginary realm of Lewis Carrol’s fable. But over a million people now have blogs in our country. The nature of the blogosphere will soon make turn this into ten million, which will be drawn from the most educated and enterprising ones of our 140-million people. Great Britain has long succeded to combine reasonable conservatism with scientific foresight and bold social experiment. The twenty-first century is bring us new media of communication, new orders of government and new forms of political activity. This is happening before our eyes.
May Your Royal Majesty accept most sincere reassurance of our deepest respect.
Re: (продление)
October 7 2007, 00:41:39 UTC 11 years ago
Re: (продление)
October 7 2007, 07:20:09 UTC 11 years ago
Re: (продление)
October 7 2007, 07:24:51 UTC 11 years ago
Re: (продление)
October 7 2007, 06:45:25 UTC 11 years ago
http://vadda.livejournal.com/60391.html Тоже неплохо.
5 копеек по первому абзацу
October 7 2007, 04:09:43 UTC 11 years ago
[public initiative] -- [public initiatives] (звучит лучше, по-моему)
October 7 2007, 04:24:22 UTC 11 years ago
Re: initiative
October 7 2007, 13:03:13 UTC 11 years ago
Дисклеймер (надо было сразу написать): я не профессиональный переводчик, английский не является родным.
В-третьих (и самое главное), спасибо Вырвиглазу и Пророку за проделанную работу.
good news
October 7 2007, 14:46:31 UTC 11 years ago
Re: good news
October 7 2007, 14:50:30 UTC 11 years ago
хорошая новость
Re: good news
October 7 2007, 22:41:00 UTC 11 years ago
Ну а серьезно - новость хорошая, где ж вы с "пророком" были в среду, когда ДЕ попросил перевести?
Re: good news
October 8 2007, 05:33:23 UTC 11 years ago
October 7 2007, 14:57:13 UTC 11 years ago
результат крайне удручающий, судите сами -
общественная жизнь в России имеет такое государство, что это является трудным для простых людей скоординировать их деятельность и достигнуть любых усовершенствований. Коррупция, бюрократические препятствия и удушье общественной инициативы - всюду. Поэтому мы спрашиваем вашу помощь и симпатию. Мы понимаем, что Российская Федерация - верховное государство, и Вы не в состоянии затронуть непосредственно общественную жизнь нашей страны. Однако самая природа blogosphere, будучи частью всемирных
October 7 2007, 22:24:32 UTC 11 years ago
Насколько я помню уверенность в неадекватности моего перевода у вас сложилась еще тогда когда я не начал работу. И прежде всего на основе еще более блестящего убеждения о том что я "русский еврей из америки". У других может сложиться впечатление о том что ваши фантазии имеют под собой какую-то почву. Но мы друг друга никогда не знали, судить я о вас могу разве что по вашему нику, и точно так же ваше исходное мнение обо мне может заинретесовать лишь вашего психолога.
October 7 2007, 23:01:21 UTC 11 years ago
Не помню кто бы высказывал подобные убеждения. Или, выражаясь простонародно, ты с дубу рухнул, мужик, никто тебе такого не говорил.
October 7 2007, 23:47:04 UTC 11 years ago
В этой ветке она тоже начала с бредового комментария, где полностью переврала смысл моего перевода. За все время НИ ОДНОГО конструктивного предложения, своей версии и коррекции существующих вариантов ею высказанно не было.
Так что с дуба рухнул, мужик, все таки ты.
October 8 2007, 13:02:07 UTC 11 years ago
Ваш "перевод" не является переводом на английский язык...
Вы даже не пытались изменить русский порядок слов...
переделывать надо все с самого начала и до конца...
и желательно, что бы это делал носитель языка, а не русский проживающий в Америке...в Америке не используют английский язык, но американский английский, но Вы даже не пыталась перевести на американский английский...Вы перевели дословно текстовым транслятором...а английский и русский язык устроены слишком по-разному...слова не могут находиться в тех же местах в английском и русском языке...если Вам проходит такой английский в Америке, это не значит, что эту галиматью можно относить под видом перевода в Посольство или газету...это вызовет насмешливую брезгливость, собственно - адекватную реакцию...может быть это и было Вашей целью - показать уровень интеллектуальной элиты ЖЖ, то его занюханность...
может быть это Вы сделали в плане идеи Галковкого - ПРИКОЛ, тогда понятно...но тогда зачем строить из себя обиженного..Вашу личность никто не обсуждал
..или Вы играете в мурзилку?
October 8 2007, 13:13:17 UTC 11 years ago
И вот из Вашей юзеринфо говорит многое -
"I live in USA for a few years, previously physicist, now programmer."
За такое в школе можно было от учителя получить указкой по губам в третьем классе
October 7 2007, 21:10:20 UTC 11 years ago
Когда акция? И во сколько? Желательно в субботу или в воскресенье. Чтобы иногородние могли подъехать.
Место, стоит заметить, подходящее: между Правительством РФ и МинИнДел РФ, метро "Смоленская".
October 8 2007, 10:40:02 UTC 11 years ago
Перевод (начало)
October 8 2007, 04:34:39 UTC 11 years ago
The state of civic life in present-day Russia is such as to make it difficult for common people to join effort and make at least some difference for the better. Corruption, red tape, and stifling of public initiative are ubiquitous and rampant. Therefore we are pleading for your help and sympathy.
We are fully aware that Russian Federation’s sovereign status denies you the opportunity to exercise direct influence over public policy and civic life in our country. Nonetheless, the uniqueness of blogging universe that forms part of worldwide exterritorial Internet space, admits of influences transcending nation-state boundaries. One reason why we, the user community of Internet’s LiveJournal (thereafter referred to as LJ), made bold to appeal to you is that the top management of SUP Fabric (thereafter SUP), the company in control of cyrillic segment of LJ, includes Mr. Benjamin Wegg-Prosser, a British citizen of certain standing among Great Britain’s elite. Until recently, he held the position of Director for Strategic Communications on Prime Minister Tony Blair’s staff.
Furthermore, Your Majesty’s ambassador to Russia, Sir Tony Brenton, had recently invited better-known LJ users to a meeting in his residence, where he expressed the willingness to promote to the extent possible an expanded engagement between bloggers in Russian Federation and the United Kingdom. That meeting in the embassy was unprecedented, and inspired our Internet community. For that reason, your country is our first choice in looking for gracious help and understanding of our needs.
Your Royal Majesty, in taking the unorthodox step of addressing this appeal to you we were also driven by another and more general consideration. We are aware of your charitable activities over the last fifty-odd years. As the leader of Britain’s people, and Head of British Commonwealth and Anglican Church, you carry the light of enlightenment and humanism, which shines upon every continent. Your impeccable moral authority ensures that your words carry weight, even if grudgingly recognized, with ruling circles and common people of other nations, Russia included.
Re: Перевод (начало)
October 8 2007, 13:08:36 UTC 11 years ago
October 8 2007, 04:37:02 UTC 11 years ago
Taken against the present backdrop of shrinking room for exercising political liberties, rapid development of computer technology turns the network of private Internet blogs into an important outlet for free pro-democracy media. Its capabilities far exceed those of free world’s radio broadcasts in the period from the 1950’s to the 1980’s. Unfortunately, that is clear to both the friends of freedom and its enemies.
SUP company and Mr. Anton Nosik, who has assumed the function of that firm’s representative to blogger community, are engaged in aggressive commercial activity, such as inserting advertising banners into private blogs of LJ users. Yet, our community is of a strictly non-profit nature, since an overwhelming majority of users maintain their blogs voluntarily and free of charge. They frequently put in the time and effort on a par with a professional journalist’s daily workload. A major portion of users, especially in Russia’s provinces, have very limited means. We do believe it acceptable for SUP to engage in commercial activities, yet we would like to see them contribute to enhancement of blogging environment, and not assume a predatory character. Therefore, we think it appropriate to establish a Trustee Board that would include not only business figures from SUP, but also a number of credible and knowledgeable LJ users. The Board could then have discretion to use a share of profits – possibly 20% - for charitable purposes, for funding Fine Arts and Letters competitions or exhibits, as well as for assistance to those bloggers who maintain large sites or live in reduced circumstances (e.g. those in remote areas). That would have provided impetus to self-sustaining development of blogging.
At the same time, a Trustee Board, could coordinate and bring under central control various campaigns of raising charitable donations undertaken within LJ. At present, with Mr. Nosik’s and SUP management’s connivance, such campaigns violate every rule and regulation in the book, which both provides fertile ground for criminal abuse and discredits the very idea of Internet-based charity work. Grave concerns exist that such campaigns serve as a tool for organized fraudsters.
October 8 2007, 04:37:58 UTC 11 years ago
Even more regrettable to say, such hooliganism deprives newly joining users of proper moral compass. Indeed, the person whose name is immediately linked in people’s minds to LJ, invites rudeness, boorishness, and profanity through the very name of his blog. That happens in the environment where decades without freedom of speech have made efforts to establish meaningful dialogue between people difficult as it is. LJ keeps trespassing into individuals’ private lives, and blogger community is often shaken by public rows driven by differences in social class or ethnicity.
The latter point bears special elaboration. Many of Mr. Nosik’s postings are suffused with undisguised hatred of other peoples and confessions, such as those of Middle East or Islam in general. Needless to say, millions of Russian LJ users include tens of thousands Muslims, to whom such postings are a direct insult. One could dismiss such statements as expressions of private opinion in a private blog, yet the strong implied link between Mr. Nosik’s name and LJ in general ensures that his private opinions – those of a person of somewhat limited cultural horizons or control of his faculties - are seen as endorsed by the company, and by implication by the user community at large. That makes for a thoroughly unhealthy environment and distorted attitudes to our blogger community.
We also cannot condone the propagation of a contrived hierarchy of users within LJ, the process that turns a slim minority of so-called “thousand men”, i.e. the authors of most popular blogs, into a sealed caste, whereas the vast majority of others are denied free competition, and can only force their way into high ratings through resorting to technical tricks. It would appear that SUP specifically pursues the hidden agenda of reducing “live journals” to the level of faceless robots.
October 8 2007, 04:39:03 UTC 11 years ago
We are modestly hopeful that our letter will be published by the British mass media, The Guardian for instance, where Mr. Wegg-Prosser once worked, so that our travails may become known to the world public and be discussed freely and without bias. Some of us who belong to incorrigible optimists, are even hopeful for your personal help in bringing beneficial order to the Russian blogging community, even if by simple expression of moral support.
Our troubles may appear almost comical to you, and to an outside observer we may seem as a small fairy-tale folk inhabiting the Lewis Carroll–like world behind the virtual looking-glass. Yet, currently LJ bloggers in our country number over a million. With blogger community’s current rates of growth, we will soon number 10 million, recruited from the best-educated and most enterprising segment of our population of 140 million. Great Britain has always managed to combine sensible conservatism with scientific foresight and daring social experimentation. The 21st century will inavoidably see the emergence of new means of public communication, new forms of exercise of power, and of political life. It is happening even as we speak.
We ask Your Majesty to accept our most profound respects.
Signed by:
October 8 2007, 07:38:17 UTC 11 years ago
October 8 2007, 04:44:40 UTC 11 years ago
October 8 2007, 06:26:34 UTC 11 years ago
October 8 2007, 11:14:18 UTC 11 years ago
October 8 2007, 06:27:43 UTC 11 years ago
October 8 2007, 06:38:06 UTC 11 years ago
October 8 2007, 07:17:25 UTC 11 years ago
October 8 2007, 08:42:23 UTC 11 years ago
October 8 2007, 08:46:01 UTC 11 years ago
Disclaimer: Ничего личного в отношении vyrviglaz, сравниваю исключительно тексты.
October 8 2007, 14:02:42 UTC 11 years ago
Большие двойные респекты flufnet. Перевод -- ВЕЩЬ.
October 8 2007, 14:16:20 UTC 11 years ago
технический вопрос
October 8 2007, 08:31:35 UTC 11 years ago
Письмовниками при переводах (всех вариантах) кто-нибудь пользовался ? Ведь можно подготовить не перевод, а специальный английский текст...
October 8 2007, 11:38:30 UTC 11 years ago
Алгоритм такой: http://community.livejournal.com/ru_blackbox/2304.html
для vyrviglaz
October 8 2007, 13:03:01 UTC 11 years ago
Ваш "перевод" не является переводом на английский язык...
Вы даже не пытались изменить русский порядок слов...
переделывать надо все с самого начала и до конца...
и желательно, что бы это делал носитель языка, а не русский проживающий в Америке...в Америке не используют английский язык, но американский английский, но Вы даже не пыталась перевести на американский английский...Вы перевели дословно текстовым транслятором...а английский и русский язык устроены слишком по-разному...слова не могут находиться в тех же местах в английском и русском языке...если Вам проходит такой английский в Америке, это не значит, что эту галиматью можно относить под видом перевода в Посольство или газету...это вызовет насмешливую брезгливость, собственно - адекватную реакцию...может быть это и было Вашей целью - показать уровень интеллектуальной элиты ЖЖ, то его занюханность...
может быть это Вы сделали в плане идеи Галковкого - ПРИКОЛ, тогда понятно...но тогда зачем строить из себя обиженного..Вашу личность никто не обсуждал
..или Вы играете в мурзилку?
October 8 2007, 13:09:40 UTC 11 years ago
October 8 2007, 13:43:47 UTC 11 years ago
Сделайте запись, ну хоть - " Здесь был я."
August 14 2008, 12:53:32 UTC 10 years ago