Читать : Cooke's Cavalry Tactics (1862)
Military Manual Photocopies
- FM 2-5 Cavalry Drill Regulations, Horse (13 March 1944); 205 pages, 53 illus. Price 20.00 {Item No.3678}
- FM 2-15 Cavalry Field Manual. Employment of Cavalry (8 April 1941)(+Change 2); 230+pages, 12 illus. Price 23.00 {Item No.3402}
- Cavalry Field Manual Vol.I Horse Cavalry (1938); 299 pages, 40 illus. Price 30.00 {Item No.1269}
- Cavalry Field Manual Vol.III Employment of Cavalry (1938); 208 pages Price 21.00 {Item No.1270}
- TR 135-10 Guard Duty. Ceremony of Guard Mounting, Mounted Troops (27 September 1924); 10 pages Price 1.00 {Item No.2075}
- TR 425-15 General Principles and Definitions (July 1925); 10 pages. Price 1.00 {Item No.1271}
- TR 425-20 Drill and Combat Signals (June 1926); 6 pages. Price 1.00 {Item No.1272}
- TR 425-25 The Cavalry Rifle Squad (March 1922); 23 pages, 5 illus. Price 2.50 {Item No.1273}
- TR 425-30 The Cavalry Rifle Platoon (April 1922); 29 pages, 7 illus. Price 2.50 {Item No.1274}
- TR 425-35 The Cavalry Machine Rifle Squad and Platoon (April 1922); 7 pages, 3 illus. Price 1.00 {Item No.1275}
- TR 425-45 The Cavalry Rifle Troop (June 1925); 41 pages, 5 illus. Price 5.00 {Item No.1276}
- TR 425-45 The Cavalry Troop (April 1922); 18 pages, 3 illus. Price 2.00 {Item No.1277}
- TR 425-50 The Cavalry Squadron (April 1922); 12 pages, 6 illus. Price 1.00 {Item No.1278}
- TR 425-55 The Cavalry Regiment (April 1922); 6 pages, 3 illus. Price 1.00 {Item No.1279}
- TR 425-60 Cavalry Duties of Machine-Gun Personnel (December 1921); 12 pages, 6 illus. Price 1.00 {Item No.1280}
- TR 425-65 The Cavalry Machine-Gun Squad (May 1925); 47 pages, 14 illus. Price 5.00 {Item No.1281}
- TR 425-70 The Cavalry Machine-Gun Platoon (May 1925); 26 pages, 10 illus. Price 2.50 {Item No.1282}
- TR 425-75 The Cavalry Machine-Gun Troop (March 1924); 21 pages, 3 illus. Price 2.50 {Item No.1283}
- TR 425-80 The Cavalry Machine-Gun Squadron (March 1924); 14 pages, 2 illus. Price 1.00 {Item No.1284}
- TR 425-85 The Cavalry Brigade (July 1925); 14 pages, 11 illus. Price 1.00 {Item No.1285}
- TR 425-100 The Service Troop, Regiment (August 1925); 5 pages Price 1.00 {Item No.1286}
- TR 425-130 Ceremonies and Inspections (March 1926)(+Changes 1& 2); 24+ pages Price 2.50 {Item No.1288}
- War Dept. Doc.No.561 Cavalry Drill Regulations (1916); 434 pages, illus. Price 40.00 {Item No.1289}
- War Dept.Doc.No.971 Questions for National Guard Officers (Cavalry). Prepared by the Militia Bureau 1919 (1920); 48 pages Price 5.00 {Item No.4391}
- War Dept. Cavalry Tactics (1855); 198 pages, 17 plates Price 20.00 {Item No.1290}
- Army Extension Courses. Special Text No.161 Cavalry Marches and Camps (1937); 31 pages Price 3.00 {Item No.1292}
- Army Extension Courses. Special Text No.161 Cavalry Marches and Camps (1934 Edition); 33 pages, illus. Price 3.00 {Item No.3664}
- Army Extension Courses. Special Text No.161 Cavalry Marches and Camps (1931 Edition); 29 pages, illus. Price 3.00 {Item No.3665}
- Army Extension Course. Special Text No.255 Combat Principles, The Cavalry Rifle Squad and Platoon, Mounted and Dismounted (1937); 61 pages, 7 illus. Price 6.00 {Item No.1293}
- Andrews, Lincoln C. Basic Course for Cavalry; J.B.Lyon Company; Albany, New York (1914); 278 pages, no illus. Price 28.00 {Item No.2969}
- Cooke, Colonel Phil St.Geo. Cavalry Tactics; or Regulations for the Instruction, Formations, and Movements of The Cavalry for the Army and Volunteers of the United States; J.W.Fortune, New York (1864); 294 pages, 60 illus. Price 30.00 {Item No.2972}
- Maude, Captain F.N., R.E.. Letters on Tactics and Organization, on English Military Institutions and the Continental Systems. Levenworth, Kansas: George A.Spooner (1891); 307 pages Price 32.00 {Item No.676}[Details]
The Horse
- TM 10-390 Operation of the Remount Breeding Service (28 Febuary 1941)(+Change 1); 44 pages, 23 illus. Price 4.00 {Item No.1294}
- TM 10-395 Remount (18 December 1941); 99 pages Price 10.00 {Item No.1295}
- TR 360-10 Animals. Training Remounts (23 March 1922); 30 pages Price 3.00 {Item No.1296}
- War Dept. Doc.No.159 Target Practice and Remount Systems Abroad (April 1902); 378 pages, 50+ illus. Price 40.00 {Item No.1298}
- War Dept.Doc.No.274 The Army Horse in Accident and Disease (1906); 116 pages, 21 illus. Price 10.00 {Item No.1299}
- War Dept. Doc.No.347 The Army Horse in Accident and Disease (1909); 112 pages, 21 illus. Price 12.00 {Item No.1300}
- War Dept.Doc.No.375 Notes on Equitation and Horse Training (1910); 98 pages Price 10.00 {Item No.1302}
- War Dept.Doc.No.437 Manual of Equitation of the French Army for 1912 (1913); 106 pages, illus. Price 11.00 {Item No.4113}
- War Dept.Doc.No.611 Manual for Stable Sergeants (1917); 219 pages, 58 illus. Price 22.00 {Item No.4324}
- War Dept.Doc.No.1003 Care of Public Animals and Leather Equipment Issued to The National Guard. Prepared by the Militia Bureau (February 1920); 36 pages, 2 illus. Price 4.00 {Item No.4316}
- TM 8-450 Veterinary Administration (1 May 1941)(+Change 1); 39 pages Price 7.00 {Item No.4571}
- Army Extension Course. Special Text No.58 Veterinary Sanitation (1931); 43 pages Price 4.00 {Item No.1303}
- The Cavalry School, Academic Division. Ft.Riley, Kansas. Horsemanship and Horsemastership (Vol.I: Part One Education of the Rider, Part Two Education of the Horse)(1935); 265 pages, 20+illus. Price 27.00 {Item No.4438}
- The Cavalry School, Academic Division. Ft.Riley, Kansas. Horsemanship and Horsemastership (Vol.II: Part Three. Animal Management, Part Four. Horseshoeing)(1935); 346 pages, illus. Price 35.00 {Item No.4439}
- The Cavalry School, Academic Division. Ft.Riley, Kansas. Horsemanship and Horsemastership (Vol.III: Part Five. Horse Shows, Race Meetings, Hunter Trials)(1935); 85 pages, illus. Price 9.00 {Item No.4440}
- Boniface, 1st Lt.Jon.J.Boniface, 4th Cavalry. The Cavalry Horse and His Pack. Embracing the Practical Details of Cavalry service. For the Use of Officers and Non commissioned Officers of Cavalry. Kansas City, Missouri. Hudson-Kimberly Publishing Company (1903); 538 pages, 192 illus. Price 54.00 {Item No.4911} [Not all photographs are seeable because of poor quality]
- Garrard, Kenner; Nolan’s System for Training Cavalry Horses (New York: D.Van Nostrand 1862); 114 pages, illus. Price 10.00 {Item No.1304}
- Nolan, Captain L.E.; Cavalry its History and Tactics (London: Bosworth & Harrison 1860); 360 pages, illus. Price 35.00 [A classic on cavalry training] {Item No.1314}
Weapons (Mounted)
- TR 25-10 Officers—Instruction with a Saber (24 June 1925)(+Changes 1-4); 27 pages, 15+ illus. Price 3.00 {Item No.1305}
- TR 50-45 The Soldier—Instruction Mounted, without Arms (21 February 1922); 56 pages, 11 illus. Price 6.00 {Item No.1306}
- TR 50-50 The Soldier Instruction Mounted, with Rifle (21 February 1922); 2 pages Price .50 {Item No.1307}
- TR 50-50 The Soldier Instruction Mounted, with Rifle (29 May 1926); 4 pages, 3 illus. Price .50 {Item No.1308}
- TR 50-60 The Soldier Instruction Mounted, with Pistol (5 May 1922); 7 pages, 5 illus. Price 1.00 {Item No.1309}
- TR 50-70 Saber Exercise (June 1926); 16 pages, 21 illus. Price 2.00 {Item No.1310}
- TR 150-25 Marksmanship. Pistol, Mounted (28 January 1924)(+Changes 1-3); 27 pages, 11+ illus. Price 3.00 {Item No.1311}
- TR 425-110 The Employment of Machine Guns (March 1925); 90 pages, 24 illus. Price 10.00 {Item No.1287}
- Army Extension Course. Special Text No.160 Cavalry Weapons (1934); 53 pages, 47 illus. Price 5.00 {Item No.1291}
Horse Drawn Artillery
- War Dept.Doc.No.397 Drill Regulations for Field Artillery (Horse and Light)(Provisional)(1911); 402+ pages, illus. Price 40.00 {Item No.1130}
- War Dept. Instruction for Field Artillery (1864); 348 pages, 88 plates Price 35.00 {Item No.1131}
- Christian, T.J.J., Major Field Artillery. Mounted Instruction for Field Artillery. Care of Horse and Equipment, Riding, Driving and Miscellaneous. George Banta Publishing Company: Menasha, Wisconsin (1921); 252 pages, 32 plages of illus. Price 25.00 {Item No.3067} [A very detailed book on horse drawn artillery technique]
- Ennis, W.P. Lt.Col. Elementary Notes for the Field Artillery Driver and Cannoneer (1918); 111 pages, 17 illus. Price 11.00 {Item No.3069}
- TM 2-220 The Horseshoer (11 March 1941); 117 pages, 86 illus. Price 12.00 {Item No.2872}
- TR 360-25 Animals. Shoeing Animals (1 November 1926)(+Change 1); 35 pages, 19 illus. Price 3.50 {Item No.1297}
- Engineer Training Manual. Appendix 6. Manual for Blacksmiths (1917); 30 pages, 50+illus. Price 4.00 {Item No.4640}
- War Dept.Doc.No.8A The Horseshoer (1926); 53 pages, 62 illus. Price 6.00 {Item No.4361} [Training Manual. United States Army]
- War Dept. Doc.No.356 The Army Horseshoer (1910); 104 pages, 17 illus. Price 10.00 {Item No.1301}
- War Dept.Doc.No.486 Manual for Farriers, Horseshoers, Saddlers, and Wagoners or Teamsters (1914); 127 pages, 33 illus. Price 13.00 {Item No.4360}
- Basic Field Manual. Volume I. Field Service Pocketbook. Chapter 3. Equipment and Clothing, Mounted and Dismounted Organizations (1938); 44 pages, 26 pages Price 5.00 {Item No.3384}
- TM 10-430 The Saddler (27 March 1942); 16 pages, 11 illus. Price 2.00 {Item No.2820}
- TM 2100-25 The Saddler (21 July 1930); 8 pages, 2 illus. Price 1.00 {Item No.2884}
- TR 50-85 The Soldier. The Saddle Pack (Cavalry)(31 March 1927); 9 pages, 3 illus. Price 1.00 {Item No.3968}
- TR 50-95 The Soldier. Display of Equipment, Cavalry (22 May 1925); 4 pages, 4 illus. Price 1.00 {Item No.3969}
- NGR-71 Militia Bureau. Transportation of Troops and Shipment of Property Incident Thereto (1 June 1927); 47 pages Price 5.00 {Item No.453} [Including shipping animals] [National Guard Regulations]
- NGR 79 Animals and Materiel and the Care Thereof (30 June 1926)(+Change 1); 17 pages Price 2.00 {Item No.470} [National Guard Regulations]
- Ordnance Dept.Doc.1719 Horse Equipments and Equipments for Officers and Enlisted Men (10 May 1905/Rev.3 July 1908); 55 pages, 21 plates of illus. Price 8.00 {Item No.3874}
- Bernhardi, General Freiherr Von; Cavalry ‘A Popular Edition of “Cavalry in War and Peace” (Translated by Major G.T.M.Bridges)(London: Hodder & Stoughton 1914); 208 pages, no illus. Price 20.00 {Item No.1312}
- Denison, Jr., Lt.Colonel George T.; Modern Cavalry: Its Organization, Armament, and Employment in War (London:Thomas Bosworth 1868); 376 pages, illus. (three color plates difficult to copy) Price 37.50 {Item No.1313} [A manual on Cavalry tactics after the experience of the American Civil War]
- Gray, Alonzo Cavalry Tactics. As Illustrated by the War of the Rebellion. Together with many interesting facts important for cavalry to know. (Part I)(1910); 200 pages, illus. Price 20.00 {Item No.3070} [A large collection of quotes about American Civil War Cavalry Operations cross referenced with their original sources]
- Wood, General Sir Evelyn; Achievements of Cavalry (With a chapter on mounted infantry)(1897); 260 pages, 20 maps Price 25.00 {Item No.1315} [An account of 12 cavalry engagements from Viller-En-Cauchies 1794 to Rezonville 1870, focusing on what the author thinks are outstanding engagements]
- Maude, Captain F.N., R.E.."The German Cavalry,"Letters on Tactics and Organization (1891); 5 pages Price .50 {Item No.22405}
- Maude, Captain F.N., R.E.."Lessons from the Austrian Cavalry,"Letters on Tactics and Organization (1891); 4 pages Price .50 {Item No.22406}
- Maude, Captain F.N., R.E.."Cavalry in War,"Letters on Tactics and Organization (1891); 5 pages Price .50 {Item No.22407}
- Maude, Captain F.N., R.E.."Cavalry versus Infantry,"Letters on Tactics and Organization (1891); 7 pages Price .50 {Item No.22408}
- Maude, Captain F.N., R.E.."A Day with the German Cavalry,"Letters on Tactics and Organization (1891); 11 pages Price 1.00 {Item No.22409}
- Maude, Captain F.N., R.E.."Frederic The Great's Cavalry,"Letters on Tactics and Organization (1891); 8 pages Price 1.00 {Item No.22410}
- Maude, Captain F.N., R.E.."Long Distance Rides,"Letters on Tactics and Organization (1891); 5 pages Price .50 {Item No.22411}
- Maude, Captain F.N., R.E.."German Cavalry Manoeuvers 1886,"Letters on Tactics and Organization (1891); 4 pages Price .50 {Item No.22412}
- Maude, Captain F.N., R.E.."Russian Mounted Infantry,"Letters on Tactics and Organization (1891); 4 pages Price .50 {Item No.22424}
- Maude, Captain F.N., R.E.."Cavalry verus Infantry at Lawrencepore,"Letters on Tactics and Organization (1891); 6 pages Price .50 {Item No22435}
- Maude, Captain F.N., R.E.."Lessons of Lawrencepore Camp,"Letters on Tactics and Organization (1891); 14 pages Price 2.00 {Item No.22436}
- Maude, Captain F.N., R.E.."Cavalry on the Battle Field,"Letters on Tactics and Organization (1891); 45 pages Price 5.00 {Item No.22437}
- U.S.Army Infantry School. "Cavalry with infantry (Infantry School Teaching)," Infantry School Mailing List, Vol. XVI, Chapter 11. (April 1938); 8 pages Price 1.00 {Item No.10123}
- U.S.Navy, Bureau of Navigation, Office of Naval Intelligence."The Troops,"War Series No.III., Part III. Section XXI. by Lt.-Commander Casper F.Goodrich, USN (1883); 10 pages, 7 illus. Price 1.00 {Item No.20243} [From "Report of the British Naval and Military Operations in Egypt, 1882"] [Includes: The cavalry, The mounted infantry, The infantry. (Organization and equipment)]
- U.S.Navy, Bureau of Navigation, Office of Naval Intelligence."The Indian Contingent,"War Series No.III., Part III. Section XXX. by Lt.-Commander Casper F.Goodrich, USN (1883); 38 pages, 24 illus. Price 4.00 {Item No.20252} [From "Report of the British Naval and Military Operations in Egypt, 1882"] [Includes: Peculiarity of organization in Indian regiments, Equipment, followers, &c. (Kabul scale of baggage). Cavalry, Infantry, The 7-pdr jointed-steel M.L.R. and the mule battery. Indian rations, Outfit, &c., Indian transport, Medical arrangements, Veterinary department, Historical notes, Action at Chalouf, Serapeum]
- War Department, Ordnance Office. " Mounted Riflemen," Ordnance Notes.---No.169 (Washington, 2 November 1881) by Captain J.R.Lumley; 14 pages Price 2.00 {Item No.5169}
- War Department, Ordnance Office. "Russet Leather. Report on the manufacture of Russet leather and its adaptability for the military service," Ordnance Notes.---No.172 (Washington, 9 December 1881) By Capt.D.A.Lyle, Ordnance department; 11 pages Price 1.00 {Item No.5172} [Harness leather]
- Regimental Commander. "Bridge Training of a Battalion of Mounted Engineers," Professional Memoirs. Corps of Engineer, Vol.10 (1918); 9 pages, 4 illus. Price 1.00 {Item No.6263} [Including: Introduction, Frame trestle bridges, Suspension bridges, Queen-post bridges, Ponton bridges, Pile bridges]
- Royal Engineers, Corps of."Horse (Powers of the),"Aide Memorie to the Military Sciences (1860), Vol.2; 21 pages, 2 figures and 1 plate of illus. Price 3.00 {Item No.20380} [Includes: Introduction: Of the speed of the horse, of the draught of the horse, Other modes of employing horse-power, Generally. Qualitiy of the horse: Introduction, Age, Mode of supply, The stable, Stable, management of, Feeding, Remount horses - Stabling of, Watering of, Grooming of, Ventilation. Billeting horses on the line of march, Artillery horse]
- Royal Engineers, Corps of."Horse, Medicine (Veterinary directions),"Aide Memorie to the Military Sciences (1860), Vol.2; 5 pages Price .50 {Item No.20381} [Includes: I. Cathartic mass, II. Febrifuge mass, III. Sedative mass, IV. Diuretic mass, V. Alternative mass, VI. Tonic mass, VII. Anti-Spasmodic draught, VIII. Vermifuge powder, IX. Anti purgation, X. Discutient power, XI. Astringent powder, XII. Ophthalmic powder, XIII. Blistering liquid, XIV. Turpentine liniment, XV. Turpentine ointment, XVI. Black oil. XVII. Hoof ointment.]
- Royal Engineers, Corps of."Horse, Power,"Aide Memorie to the Military Sciences (1860), Vol.2; 3 pages Price .50 {Item No.20382} [The capabilities of a horse]
- Royal Engineers, Corps of."Manoeuvers of Cavalry,"Aide Memorie to the Military Sciences (1860), Vol.2; 7 pages, 9 illus. Price 1.00 {Item No.20394} [Includes: Introduction and five examples of Regimental commands for the moment]
- Royal Engineers, Corps of."Manoeuvers of Horse Artillery,"Aide Memorie to the Military Sciences (1860), Vol.2; 11 pages, 4 illus. Price 1.00 {Item No.20395} [Includes: Introduction, General principles for the movement of horse artillery: Preliminary observations, Formations of a troop, Formation of a troop for inspection, Officers, how posted. A troop, how told off. Wheeling, Marching in line, Paces, Commands, Movements, Markers, in forming line. Movement from a flank or flanks, Formation of line from columns, Breaking and forming, Necessary extent of a column of march, March in line, Increasing or diminishing the front of a column of march, Countermarch, Echelon, Chequered retreat of the line]
- War Department, Ordnance Office. "The Stragetic Service of Cavalry (Screening and Reconnoitering Duties of the Cavalry Division," by Capt.C.W.Bowler Bell (Eight Hussar). Ordnance Notes.—No.284 (Washington, April 4, 1883) From the Journal of the Royal United Service Institution; 24 pages, 1 plate of illustrations Price 3.00 {Item No.5284}
- War Department, Ordnance Office."Simple Farriery in the Absence of Professional Assistance: with a table of Weights and Measures," by Captain J.Hutham, R.A.. Ordnance Notes.—No.242 (Washington, February 8, 1883) From the Proceeding of the Royal Arillery Insitiution; 13 pages Price 2.00 {Item No.5242}[Horse Doctoring]
- War Department, Ordnance Office. "Some Cavalry Topics," Ordnance Notes.---No.266 (Washington, 13 March 1883) by Lt.Col.F.Chenevix Trench, Twentieth Hussars. From the Journal of the Royal United Service Institution; 27 pages Price 3.00 {Item No.5266} [Includes: Observation on the efforts made to prefect the organization of cavalry in continental armies, The mission or role of an advanced or independent cavalry division or brigade, Instructions issued from army headquarters to the commanders of an advanced cavalry force, Principles which should guide the dispositions, etc., of a cavalry force which is to cover the advance of an army, The organization of a pursuit, Continental cavalry maneuvers in 1879]
- War Department, Ordnance Office. "The Cavalryman and His Horse," Ordnance Notes.---No.297 (Washington, May 7, 1883) by Lt.S.C.Robertson, First Cavalry, U.S.A., From the United Service; 6 pages Price .50 {Item No.5297}
- War Department, Ordnance Office."Notes on the Embarkation and Debarkation of Horses, and Their Care on Board Ship," by Lt.R.Heywood Clark, RA.. Ordnance Notes.—No.302 (Washington, June 16, 1883) From the Proceedings of the Royal Artillery Institution; 5 pages, 1 plate of illus. Price 1.00 {Item No.5302}
- Report of the Chief of Ordnance. "Description of the Laidley cavalry forge. by Col.T.T.S.Laidley, Ordnance Department," Annual Reports of the War Department 1879, Vol.III, Appendix T.; 6 pages, 7 plates of illus. Price 2.00 {Item No.5469} [Includes: Introduction, The body, Forge, Boxes, Remarks]
- War Department. Military Intelligence Service."Cavalry Combat at Night," Tactical and Technical Trends Vol.I., No.8 (24 September 1942); 3 pages Price .50 {Item No.12615}
Cavalry (Horse Mounted)
- No.111 US Army Saber Instruction; 8 References, 255 pages, 100 illus. (5/16/03) Price 30.00 {Item No.8111-1} [Includes fighting from Horseback]
- No.112 Firing Small Arms from Horseback; 8 References, 95 pages, 33 illus. (5/16/03) Price 15.00 {Item No.8112-1}
Видео по теме
November 11 2008, 19:43:53 UTC 10 years ago
Продают по цене $19.95 за диск, однако 1 фильм с другого сборника ("Hand To Hand Combat and Judo films") я скачал из сети отдельно.
Re: Видео по теме
November 12 2008, 07:24:05 UTC 10 years ago
Re: Видео по теме
November 12 2008, 14:14:02 UTC 10 years ago
Жаль что эта тема до сих пор не раскрыта в достаточной мере.
Автор отлично показал какие нелепые ошибки допускали в описании казачьих походов исследователи, далекие от морского дела.