Вы что же, теперь всегда решили идти в фарватере Просвирнина?
Он про совок -- вы про совок, он фото члена английской королевской семьи в прикольном ракурсе, вы -- фото члена английской королевской семьи в прикольном ракурсе.
Э... "as big as a ham" это не "цвета окорока", а "размером с окорок". Я так понимаю, имелось в виду, что морда у него большая, круглая и плоская. И бледная, о чём отдельно сказано дальше.
quartermaster его должность была. Цитирую вики: "На старинных же пиратских кораблях квартермейстером назывался командир абордажной команды - квартердека. Он имел значительно большие полномочия на пиратском, чем на военном или купеческом судне, в определенных случаях мог отменять приказы капитана, а в случае гибели или смещения последнего был первым кандидатом на занятие освободившейся должности."
Прошу прощения, где именно опровергнуто? Цитирую англоязычную вики, которой доверяю больше русскоязычной:
Pirate quartermasters
Through a historical oddity, pirates during the Golden Age of Piracy elevated the rank of quartermaster to much higher powers and responsibilities than it had aboard any merchant or naval vessel.
Pirate quartermasters (quarter deck masters), like pirate captains, were usually elected by their crews. It was the quartermaster's responsibility to lead the pirate boarding party when coming aboard another ship. This was usually done from the quarter deck which was the place where two ships touched during the boarding attack. The quartermaster ranked higher than any officer aboard the ship except the captain himself, and could veto the captain's decisions whenever the ship was not chasing a prize or engaged in battle. The quartermaster also was chiefly responsible for discipline, assessing punishments for crewmen who transgressed the articles. Several quartermasters, notably Calico Jack Rackham, became captains after the previous captain was killed or deposed.
Although a minority of pirate scholars dismiss the accepted version of the pirate quartermaster's importance, it is well supported by the extant secondary sources such as Charles Johnson, Cordingly and Botting, and overwhelmingly borne out by the primary sources, including Ringrose, Dampier, Snelgrave, Trott, and George Roberts.
Long John Silver from the novel Treasure Island was ship's quartermaster under the notorious Captain Flint. He was said to have been the only man whom Flint ever feared.
...да жж -ку отрегулировали,так что б визуальные сильные образы,воздействующие слишком шибко на легковозбуждающихся блоггеров не распространялись по сети без дела...,при помощи простого каммента.тьфу. ps--таской,лаской и выворотом рук
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February 15 2013, 00:02:22 UTC 6 years ago
February 15 2013, 04:37:35 UTC 6 years ago
А при чем тут сикхи
February 15 2013, 00:05:07 UTC 6 years ago
February 15 2013, 00:15:23 UTC 6 years ago
Вы что же, теперь всегда решили идти в фарватере Просвирнина?
Он про совок -- вы про совок, он фото члена английской королевской семьи в прикольном ракурсе, вы -- фото члена английской королевской семьи в прикольном ракурсе.
February 15 2013, 00:16:20 UTC 6 years ago
Может быть, стоит, чтобы избежать пересечений?
February 15 2013, 00:21:50 UTC 6 years ago
Кстати, он вас читает и не скрывает этого. В трудную минуту -- даже поддерживает : http://nomina-obscura.livejournal.com/1191976.html
February 15 2013, 04:08:45 UTC 6 years ago
February 15 2013, 08:42:52 UTC 6 years ago
February 15 2013, 09:59:01 UTC 6 years ago
удачные ракусы...
February 15 2013, 07:08:50 UTC 6 years ago
February 15 2013, 01:31:31 UTC 6 years ago
метеорит упал на Уральскую Республику!
February 15 2013, 10:34:52 UTC 6 years ago
Смерть России!
February 15 2013, 01:37:53 UTC 6 years ago
February 15 2013, 01:38:49 UTC 6 years ago
February 15 2013, 05:00:16 UTC 6 years ago
February 15 2013, 02:00:20 UTC 6 years ago
February 15 2013, 02:44:07 UTC 6 years ago
February 15 2013, 04:09:05 UTC 6 years ago
February 15 2013, 04:10:52 UTC 6 years ago
Не знаю на моем мониторе передо мной предводитель племени Бледных Спирохет
February 15 2013, 05:19:11 UTC 6 years ago
February 15 2013, 09:33:45 UTC 6 years ago
February 15 2013, 05:36:40 UTC 6 years ago
Стивенсон про красный цвет почему-то не согласен.
February 15 2013, 05:53:29 UTC 6 years ago
February 15 2013, 05:55:45 UTC 6 years ago
February 15 2013, 06:01:19 UTC 6 years ago
February 15 2013, 06:04:31 UTC 6 years ago
February 15 2013, 06:46:49 UTC 6 years ago
February 15 2013, 06:59:02 UTC 6 years ago
February 15 2013, 06:58:28 UTC 6 years ago
February 15 2013, 07:01:56 UTC 6 years ago
February 15 2013, 09:51:27 UTC 6 years ago
February 16 2013, 12:35:56 UTC 6 years ago
Pirate quartermasters
Through a historical oddity, pirates during the Golden Age of Piracy elevated the rank of quartermaster to much higher powers and responsibilities than it had aboard any merchant or naval vessel.
Pirate quartermasters (quarter deck masters), like pirate captains, were usually elected by their crews. It was the quartermaster's responsibility to lead the pirate boarding party when coming aboard another ship. This was usually done from the quarter deck which was the place where two ships touched during the boarding attack. The quartermaster ranked higher than any officer aboard the ship except the captain himself, and could veto the captain's decisions whenever the ship was not chasing a prize or engaged in battle. The quartermaster also was chiefly responsible for discipline, assessing punishments for crewmen who transgressed the articles. Several quartermasters, notably Calico Jack Rackham, became captains after the previous captain was killed or deposed.
Although a minority of pirate scholars dismiss the accepted version of the pirate quartermaster's importance, it is well supported by the extant secondary sources such as Charles Johnson, Cordingly and Botting, and overwhelmingly borne out by the primary sources, including Ringrose, Dampier, Snelgrave, Trott, and George Roberts.
Long John Silver from the novel Treasure Island was ship's quartermaster under the notorious Captain Flint. He was said to have been the only man whom Flint ever feared.
February 15 2013, 10:44:49 UTC 6 years ago
Suspended comment
February 15 2013, 04:58:41 UTC 6 years ago
February 15 2013, 06:00:57 UTC 6 years ago
February 15 2013, 06:04:45 UTC 6 years ago
February 15 2013, 09:51:55 UTC 6 years ago
...гугл,поиск по картинке....
February 15 2013, 06:55:03 UTC 6 years ago
...Размер изображения:
856 × 1227
Есть изображения других размеров:
Все размеры - Маленькие - Средние - БольшиеСкорее всего,
на картинке prince philip duke of edinburgh...
February 15 2013, 04:36:42 UTC 6 years ago
February 15 2013, 05:13:01 UTC 6 years ago
Это муж Елизаветы 2
February 15 2013, 05:51:14 UTC 6 years ago
принц крут
February 15 2013, 07:00:39 UTC 6 years ago
February 15 2013, 07:04:42 UTC 6 years ago
ps--таской,лаской и выворотом рук
February 15 2013, 07:34:53 UTC 6 years ago
February 15 2013, 09:49:42 UTC 6 years ago
February 15 2013, 08:17:46 UTC 6 years ago
February 15 2013, 09:17:23 UTC 6 years ago
Suspended comment
February 15 2013, 12:28:16 UTC 6 years ago Edited: February 15 2013, 23:45:30 UTC
February 15 2013, 09:55:17 UTC 6 years ago
February 15 2013, 10:26:11 UTC 6 years ago
Этот как-то не дотягивает.
February 15 2013, 11:45:46 UTC 6 years ago
Это истинный Хозяин
February 15 2013, 12:22:33 UTC 6 years ago
February 15 2013, 12:26:17 UTC 6 years ago
February 15 2013, 14:49:33 UTC 6 years ago