Набрал krylov. И что же оказалось сверху?
Googlism for: krylov
krylov is russia's equivalent to the david taylor research center
krylov is probably one of the most widely known and recognized in russia among outstanding scientists in the 20th century
krylov is a former head of the department of vascular surgery at the national scientific center of surgery in moscow and former
krylov is the principal shipbuilding research institute in russia
krylov is different from the one used earlier
krylov is a geographer at the pedagogical university in melitopol
krylov is useful...
Там ещё много про krylov'а. В частности, я узнал, что
krylov is the first gymnast for russia on vault
krylov is the superintendent
krylov is at the computer science department of moscow state university
krylov is 75
krylov is saved
krylov is right
December 4 2002, 06:42:47 UTC 16 years ago
December 4 2002, 13:36:33 UTC 16 years ago
это тебе американская граната под ребро!;)
интересные сведенья, оказывается ты, Костя, меня всего лишь на 5 лет старше:
krylov is 75 --- marchant is 70.
обнять и плакать:)))