Константин Крылов (krylov) wrote,
Константин Крылов

в кои-то веки

Решил пройти тест "What 20th Century Theorist are you?".

Результат абсолютно предсказуемый:

You are Martin Heidegger! Your reputation is
stained a bit by the fact that you were a
member of the Nazi party, but your
groundbreaking Being and Time is still
read by a whole lot of people. You overuse the
hyphen, and make up a lot of words. You died in

What 20th Century Theorist are you?
brought to you by Quizilla
вылитый мой дед - кахетинский зажиточный крестьянин выбившийся в купцы - даже кахетинская войлочная шапочка присутствует :)
В ЖЖ что-то одни 'Хайдеггеры' сидят :))
Я когда нажимал на кнопицу, поставил на Хомского. И програл сам себе тыщу нецких марок и пол-бутылки коньяка. А Хомского в ответах вообще не оказалось, оказался Хайдеггер.
Не только. Я,например, - Лакан.

Ага. А я Фуко, конечно же

You are Michel Foucault! You wrote groundbreaking
histories of prisons, hospitals, asylums, and
sex. Interestingly, you thought basically the
same thing about all of them. Your historical
accuracy is a bit dodgy, but that was never
really the point. You were very obsessed with
power roles - so obsessed that you frequented
gay S&M clubs, and died of AIDS in 1984.

What 20th Century Theorist are you?
brought to you by Quizilla
