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Артур поражает саксов, "Грааль Ларошфуко" или Bibliotheca Philosophica Hermetica, MS 1, Турне, 1315-23

Ukrainian army units are leaving their positions near east Ukraine’s Luhansk, the press office of the self-proclaimed Luhansk People’s Republic reported on Tuesday.

“The Ukrainian Armed Forces are leaving their positions they had held near Krasnodon and have also withdrawn from Alexandrovka (west of Luhansk) and have started to pull back from the town of Schastye (north of Luhansk),” the press office said, adding there had been especially fierce battles between the Ukrainian military and the local self-defense militia near Schastye and the bridge across the Northern Donets River about a month ago.
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Не надо бы им мелочиться. Хай спрямляют до Киева, а то и до Карпат.